Proceedings of Summer School-Conference “Advanced Problems in Mechanics 2015”
- Numerical investigation of thin films with strain
gradient elasticity
Pages 10-16
B. Emek Abali, Wolfgang H. Müller, Victor A. Eremeyev
- Theoretical study of orientation effects during the
multi-particle diffuse double layer interaction in
monodisperse aqueous zinc oxide nanocolloids
Pages 17-26
Anton V. Alfimov, Elizaveta M. Aryslanova, Sergey A. Chivilikhin
- Damage and long-term strength criterion of
elastic-viscous aging media
Pages 27-31
Alexander R. Arutyunyan
- Thermal brittleness and creep fracture of metallic
Pages 32-38
Robert A. Arutyunyan
- Directed antenna in block structure
Pages 39-49
Vladimir A. Babeshko, Olga V. Evdokimova, Olga M. Babeshko,
Igor B. Gladskoi, Elena M. Gorshkova
- Nonlinear Vibration Effects in Machinery, Fluid
and Combined Media: Development of a Common
Research Approach, New Results
Pages 50-57
I.I.Blekhman, L.I. Blekhman, L.A. Vaisberg, V.B. Vasilkov, K.S. Ivanov, K.S.Yakimova
- Finite-element modelling of 3d oblique
ultrasonically assisted turning of TI-6AL-4V
Pages 58-65
Laurence A. Coles, Anish Roy and Vadim V. Silberschmidt
- The impact of nanoparticles on matrix properties
Pages 66-73
Andrey I. Dmitriev, Werner Österle, Bernd Wetzel, Ga Zhang
- Molecular dynamics study of the local frictional
Pages 74-81
Andrey I. Dmitriev, Anton Yu. Nikonov
- The study of structure and mechanical properties
of polyethylene-silicate needle nanofiller at the
macro and micro level
Pages 82-88
Oleg K. Garishin, Ilya. A. Morozov, Vladimir V. Shadrin, Victor A. Gerasin,
Maria A. Guseva
- Vibration and wave processes in view of non-linear
deformation of components in aircraft engine
hydraulic systems
Pages 89-96
Dinara F. Gaynutdinova, Vladimir Ya. Modorsky, Vasiliy Yu. Petrov
- Kinematic fluid dynamos examined by toroidal-poloidal
decompositions—an example of combining continuum
mechanics and electrodynamic field theory
Pages 97-106
Sebastian Glane, Felix A. Reich, Wolfgang H. Müller
- Photoacoustic thermoelastic imaging of indented
areas in metals
Pages 107-114
Alexei L. Glazov Kyrill L. Muratikov
- The system of inverted pendulums
Pages 115-121
Mikhail A. Guzev, Alexander S. Losev
- A mixed time-frequency domain method to
describe the dynamic behaviour of a discrete
medium bounded by a linear continuum
Pages 122-133
Jeroen S. Hoving, Andrei V. Metrikine
- A semi-analytical impulse response method for
transient laminar flow in hydraulic networks
Pages 134-148
Antonio Jarquin-Laguna, Apostolos Tsouvalas
- Numerical simulation of ceramic plate penetration
by cylindrical plunger
Pages 149-155
Nikita Kazarinov, Vladimir Bratov, Yuri Petrov, Lucjan Witek,
Arkadiusz Bednarz
- A simple numerical model of a geometrically
nonlinear Timoshenko beam
Pages 156-167
Chris Keijdener, Andrei V. Metrikine
- High-Order Numerical Scheme for Attached Vortex
Layer Intensity Computation in 2D Vortex
Element Method
Pages 168-178
Kseniya S. Kuzmina, Ilia K. Marchevsky
- Detonation stabilization in a supersonic flow of a
gas mixture in the channel of a special shape
without any energy input
Pages 179-187
Vladimir A. Levin, Tatiana A. Zhuravskaya
- Fracture Processes in Cortical Bone: Effect of
Pages 188-210
Simin Li, Mayao Wang, Xing Gao, Elizabeth A. Zimmermann, Christoph Riedel,
Bjrn Busse and Vadim V. Silberschmidt
- Generalized Continua and Size Effects in
Elastostatic Bending Experiments
Pages 211-219
Christian Liebold, Wolgfang H. Müller
- Indentation in single crystals
Pages 220-228
Qiang Liu, Murat Demiral, Anish Roy, Vadim V. Silberschmidt
- Finite element investigation of the gravitational
and rotational deformation of the Earth
Pages 229-236
P. Lofink, Wolfgang H. Müller
- On the existence of a critical speed of a rotating
ring under a stationary point load
Pages 237-245
Tao Lu Andrei, V. Metrikine
- Vortex Element Method Adaptation
for Flow Numerical Simulation Using GPU
Pages 246-258
Ilia K. Marchevsky, Sergey R. Grechkin-Pogrebnyakov
- Mean Stress Evolution in Irregular Cyclic Loading
of Aluminum Alloy
Pages 259-265
Boris Melnikov, Sergei Petinov
- Steady streaming in a vibrating container at high
Reynolds numbers
Pages 266-273
A. Morgulis, K. Ilin
- Hyperelastic structural-mechanical model of filled
rubber. Influence of filler dispersion and interfacial
Pages 274-280
Ilya A. Morozov, Lyudmila A. Komar
- Large strain theory applied to self-gravitating
bodies: A numerical approach
Pages 281-290
Wolfgang H. Müller, Wolf Weiss
- Indentation study of mechanical behaviour of
Zr-Cu-based metallic glass
Pages 291-299
V. Nekouie, A. Roy, V.V. Silberschmidt
- Stationary energy partition between modes in the
one-dimensional carbyne chain
Pages 300-307
Svetlana P. Nikitenkova, Dmitry A. Kovriguine
- Computation of hydrogen-air mixture detonation
with OpenMP multiprocessing on a supercomputer
Pages 308-344
Nikitin V.F., Smirnov N.N., Stamov L.I., Altoukhov D.I.
- Molecular dynamics simulations of the collapse of a
hollow thick-walled cylinder
Pages 345-352
Anton Yu. Nikonov, Andrey I. Dmitriev
- Aspects of Fatigue Crack Growth Assessment
Pages 353-359
Petinov S.V.
- On generalization of the LS-STAG immersed
boundary method for Large Eddy Simulation and
Detached Eddy Simulation
Pages 360-366
Valeria V. Puzikova
- A review of electrodynamics and its coupling with classical
balance equations
Pages 367-376
Felix A. Reich, Oliver Stahn, Wolfgang H. Müller
- Geometrically nonlinear static theory of micropolar
elastic thin shallow shells
Pages 377-383
Armenuhi H. Sargsyan, Samvel H. Sargsyan
- Modelling of Stent Deployment and Deformation in
Diseased Arteries by Considering Vessel Anisotropy
Pages 384-392
A. Schiavone, L.G. Zhao
- Mechanical properties of filled elastomers subjected
to alternate loading along two orthogonal axes
Pages 393-400
Vladimir V. Shadrin, Kseniya A. Mokhireva, Anton Yu. Beljaev,
Lyudmila A. Komar
- Multidimensional pendulum in a nonconservative
force field
Pages 401-412
Maxim V. Shamolin
- Threshold erosion fracture of aero engine blades
Pages 413-416
I. Smirnov, G. Volkov, Yu. Petrov, L. Witek, A. Bednarz, N. Kazarinov
- Numerical simulation of the effect of softening in
materials on changes in the stress-strain state of
elastomeric articles
Pages 417-420
Alexander K. Sokolov, Alexander L. Svistkov, Lyudmila A. Komar,
Vladimir V. Shadrin and Viktor N. Terpugov
- Modeling of viscoelastic strain and creep for
hardening structures based on cement under
temperature gradients
Pages 421-428
Eleonora P. Solonenko
- Hardware-In-the-Loop Modeling system of flight
control of the spacecraft "Luna-Glob" at the stage
of the automatic landing on the Moon
Pages 429-435
O. Trifonov, A. Tuchin, D. Tuchin, V. Yaroshevskiy
- Method for extracting an equivalent Winkler
model of the 3D dynamic soil-structure interaction
of large-diameter offshore monopile foundations
Pages 436-447
W.G. Versteijlen J.M. de Oliveira Barbosa K.N. van Dalen A.V. Metrikine
- Buckling and supercritical behavior of axially
moving plates
Pages 448-455
Yury Vetyukov
- Modeling of the flow ignition in a planar vortex
Pages 456-464
Dmitriy V. Voronin
- On the pulse pneumatic transportation of metal
radioactive waste materials at atomic electric
power stations
Pages 465-472
Dmitriy V. Voronin, Vyacheslav L. Istomin
- Crack propagation analysis of compressor blade
subjected to resonant vibrations
Pages 473-481
Lucjan Witek, Arkadiusz Bednarz, Feliks Stachowicz, Nikita Kazarinov,
Ivan Smirnov
- Starting inertially excited trans-resonant vibration
machines with several degrees of freedom of the
carrier system
Pages 482-493
N.P. Yaroshevich, A.V. Sylyvonyuk, I.P. Zabrodets
- From localization to zoo of patterns in complex
dynamics of ensembles
Pages 494-501
Antonina N. Fedorova, Michael G. Zeitlin
- Fast modeling for collective models of
beam/plasma physics
Pages 502-509
Antonina N. Fedorova, Michael G. Zeitlin