June 18-22, 2001
Organizers Main topics Languages Deadlines Abstracts&Proceedings Application form DOLLC'99
Vladimir V. Dubarenko, Russia
Organizers address
Prof. Andrey E[melyanovich] Gorodetsky,
Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering of Russian
Academy of Sciences
Bolshoy pr. V.O., 61, St.Petersburg 199178, RUSSIA
Phone +7-(812)-3214779
Fax +7-(812)-3214771
e-mail: gae@msa.ipme.ru, dvv@ipme.ru
Russian, English.
1000-words text in English sent by E-mail (preferably) or by ordinary mail. The abstracts published will be presented to participants on their arriving.
The reports selected by the Program committee will be published after the end of the Conference and will be sent to all the registered participants. The full papers will be published in English or in Russian (Russian texts have to be accompanied by brief English abstracts).
( ) Please send me further information ( ) I plan to attend the conference
First name Dr./Prof./Mr./Ms.______________________________________________
Middle name ______________________ Last name _____________________________
Organization _____________________________________________________________
Position _________________________________________________________________
Address __________________________________________________________________
City _________________________ Zip _______________ Country _______________
Tel. _______________________________ Fax. ________________________________
e-mail ___________________________________________________________________
I submit the paper (abstract enclosed) entitled __________________________
Date ________________________ Signature __________________________________
Please, send the form with your abstract together to:
You may visit the archive homepage of DOLLC'99: http://www.ipme.ru/ipme/conf/dollc99/dollc99.html. Also, it's available some copies of DOLLC'99 Abstracts (see contents) and DOLLC'97 Proceedings (see contents). You may order them for $19 (Abstracts), $29 (Proceedings), $39 (Abstracts+Proceedings). All the prices include the air mail postage. Please, send e-mail to Vladimir Dubarenko (secretary of the Program Committee) for details: dvv@msa.ipme.ru