Tel: + 7 (812) 3214772 Fax: + 7 (812)
3214771 E-mail:
Dmitry.Indeitsev at, Dmitry.Indeitsev at
V.O., Bolshoy pr., 61
St.-Petersburg, 199178, Russia
Research interests:
Mechanics of deformed solid body
Wave dynamics
Theory of non-linear wave processes in elastic and elastic-acoustic media
with inclusions
Personal data:
Born on 2nd of December 1948
1966-1972 Student of Polytechnical Institute, Leningrad;
1972-1987 Engineer, Senior Engineer, Lecturer, Senior Researcher of the
Department of Shipbuilding Mechanics at High Navy Engineer School named after
F.E. Dzerzhinsky, Leningrad;
Since 1987 Senior Researcher, Head of Hydroelasticity Laboratory at
the Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems of the Russian Academy of
Since 1993 Deputy Director on Science of the Institute;
1995 Doctor of Science (Physics & Mathematics);
1999 Professor, speciality "Mechanics of deformed solid body";
Since 1996 Head of State Attestation Committee at St.Petersburg State
Technical University.
Since 2002 Deputy Director of the Institute.
Since 2004 Director of the Institute.
2006 Corresponding Member of RAS.
Professor of the Elasticity Theory Department at Mathematical Mechanical
Faculty of St.Petersburg State University;
Professor of the Department "Mechanics and Control Processes" at
Physical-Mathematical Faculty of St.Petersburg State Technical University.
Indeitsev D.A. Trapped modes in wafe channel with an elastic plate on
the bottom Journal of Wave motion, v.2, p.212-217, 1998.
Indeitsev D.A., Mochalova Yu.A. Trapped modes above a die oscillating
on the bottom of a wave channel, Proceedings of 15th International Workshop on
Water Waves and Floating Bodies. p.83-90, 2000.
Indeitsev D.A., Mochalova Yu.A. Resonanse vibration of inclusion in the
channel, Proceedings of the 5th International Congress: Mathematical aspects
of wave propagation. p.424-432, 2000.
Indeytsev D.A., Blekhman I.I. Chahter 4. A Simplest Example: Solving
the Problem about a Pendulum with a Vibrating Axis of Suspension by Different
Methods of the Theory of Nonlinear Oscillations, Selected Topics in Vibration
Mechanics, World Scientific, pp.39-54, 2004.
D.A. Indeitsev, A.M.Krivtsov, P.V.Tkachev
Molecular Dynamics Analysis of the Relation between the Spall Strength and Strain Rate for Solids
Doklady Phisics, Vol.51, N 3, pp.154-156, 2006.
D.A. Indeitsev, Yulia Mochalova
Problem of Low-frequency Localized Oscillations in a Thin Film with Growing Islands
Springer Meccanica 41: pp.311-320 (2006)
D.A. Indeitsev, B.N.Semenov
About a model of structural-phase transformations under hydrogen influence
Acta Mechanica, SpringerWien NewYork, Vol.195, N 1-4, pp.295-304, 2008