Corresponding Member of RAS,
Professor, D.Sc.
Director of Institute of Problems in Mechanical Engineering
Russian Academy of Sciences

Contact info:

Tel: + 7 (812) 3214772
Fax: + 7 (812) 3214771
E-mail: Dmitry.Indeitsev at, Dmitry.Indeitsev at

Address: V.O., Bolshoy pr., 61
St.-Petersburg, 199178, Russia

Research interests:

Personal data:

Born on 2nd of December 1948



Head of "St.Petersburg's seminar on Mechanics" , founded by V.V.Novozhilov.
Lecturers from other cities/countries are invited !


Since 1994: the Chairman of Scientific Committee and of Organizing Committee of annual Summer International School-Workshop for Mechanical Engineers "Analysis and synthesis of non-linear vibrational mechanical systems":
2001, APM 2001 XXIX Summer School "Advanced Problems in Mechanics"
2002, APM 2002 XXX Summer School "Advanced Problems in Mechanics"
2003, APM 2003 XXXI Summer School - Conference "Advanced Problems in Mechanics"
BEM&FEM'2003 20-th International Conference Mathematical Modeling in Mechanics of Solids and Constructions Methods of Boundary and Finite Elements September 24-26, 2003 In commemoration of the 300-th anniversary of St-Petersburg
2004, APM 2004 XXXII International Summer School - Conference "Advanced Problems in Mechanics" 2004, Russia, St.Petersburg (Repino),
June 24-July 1, 2004

2005, APM 2005 XXXIII International Summer School - Conference "Advanced Problems in Mechanics" 2005, Russia, St. Petersburg (Repino), June 28 - July 5, 2005
BEM&FEM'2005 21-th International Conference Mathematical Modeling in Mechanics of Solids and Constructions Methods of Boundary and Finite Elements
APM 2006
BEM&FEM'2007 22-th International Conference Mathematical Modeling in Mechanics of Solids and Constructions Methods of Boundary and Finite Elements
APM 2007
APM 2008
ECSC 2008

Selected Publications:

  1. Indeitsev D.A.
    Trapped modes in wafe channel with an elastic plate on the bottom Journal of Wave motion, v.2, p.212-217, 1998.
  2. Indeitsev D.A., Mochalova Yu.A.
    Trapped modes above a die oscillating on the bottom of a wave channel, Proceedings of 15th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies. p.83-90, 2000.
  3. Indeitsev D.A., Mochalova Yu.A.
    Resonanse vibration of inclusion in the channel, Proceedings of the 5th International Congress: Mathematical aspects of wave propagation. p.424-432, 2000.
  4. Indeytsev D.A., Morozov N.F., Mochalova Yu.A.
    Dynamic Effects Accompanying Diffusional Homogenization in Thin Films, Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol.77, Suppl.1, pp.S167-S170, 2003.
  5. Indeytsev D.A., Blekhman I.I.
    Chahter 4. A Simplest Example: Solving the Problem about a Pendulum with a Vibrating Axis of Suspension by Different Methods of the Theory of Nonlinear Oscillations, Selected Topics in Vibration Mechanics, World Scientific, pp.39-54, 2004.
  6. D.A. Indeitsev, A.M.Krivtsov, P.V.Tkachev Molecular Dynamics Analysis of the Relation between the Spall Strength and Strain Rate for Solids Doklady Phisics, Vol.51, N 3, pp.154-156, 2006.
  7. D.A. Indeitsev, Yulia Mochalova Problem of Low-frequency Localized Oscillations in a Thin Film with Growing Islands Springer Meccanica 41: pp.311-320 (2006)
  8. D.A. Indeitsev, B.N.Semenov About a model of structural-phase transformations under hydrogen influence Acta Mechanica, SpringerWien NewYork, Vol.195, N 1-4, pp.295-304, 2008

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