MPM, No 1, Vol. 1, 2000

International Workshop on
St.Petersburg, Russia; June 7-9, 2000


Much of the recent advancement in technology is based on new and novel materials that have been designed for specific functions. The application of these materials is responsible for the growth of industrial sectors such as electronics, energy and aerospace engineering. The objective of this Workshop is to present current research on advanced interface controlled materials with primary focus on nanostructured materials and high transition-temperature superconducting materials (characterized by nano-scaled coherence length). Special attention will be paid to design of such interface controlled materials with their unique and highly desirable properties. The Workshop objectives are to assess the current status and to identify future directions of research, design and applications of nanostructured bulk solids, films and coatings as well as polycrystalline superconducting materials. Particular emphasis is placed on developing close interactions and fostering future collaborations among scientists and engineers from the USA, Russia and other countries.

We plan to focus on the following topics:

Synthesis and processing;
Characterization and properties (mechanical and transport properties of nanostructured materials, high- and low- current properties of superconducting polycrystalline materials);

International Organizing Committee:

Submission of Abstracts for Oral and Poster Presentations:
Anyone interested in making a contribution to the workshop is invited to submit by email a half page abstract with an application form to Dr.Ilya Ovid'ko (E-mail: ) by MAY 1, 2000

Current info on the ICMRD meeting and the application form can be found on the web-site:

Invited Speakers:

S.Babcock (University of Wisconsin at Madison, USA), U.Balachandran (Argonne National Laboratory, USA), M.Baro (UAB; Bellaterra, Spain), G.M.Chow (National University of Singapore, Singapore), Y.Gogotsi (University of Illinois at Chicago, USA), H. Hilgenkamp (University of Twente, The Netherlands), Y.Hwu (Institute of Physics, Taiwan), P.Jena (Virginia Commonwealth University, USA), A.King (Purdue University, USA), G.Kiriakidis (IESL, Greece), P.Klimanek (Freiberg Technical University, Germany), M. Muhammed (Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden), I.Ovid'ko (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia), M.Seefeldt (K.University of Leuven, Belgium), B.Smirnov (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia), C.Pande (Naval Research Laboratory, USA), S Ranganathan (Indian Institute of Science, India), B.B.Rath (Naval Research Laboratory, USA), A.Romanov (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia), R.E.I. Schropp (Utrecht University, The Netherlands), M.Soto (Office of Naval Research, USA), B.Starumal (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia), T.Tsakalakos (Rutgers University, USA), T. Watanabe (Tohoku University, Japan), T.Yamasaki (Himeji Institute of Technology, Japan), A.Zhilyaev (Ufa State Aviation University, Russia)