N E W J O U R N A LREVIEWS ON ADVANCED MATERIALS SCIENCECommencing publication with the April 2000 issue, the new journal Reviews on Advanced Materials Science provides an international medium for the publication of reviews in the area of theoretical and experimental studies of advanced materials. Focuses are placed on nanostructured materials, high-transition-temperature superconductors, and high-melting point compounds.The journal Reviews on Advanced Materials Science is published in both hard copy and electronic versions.Audience:
Materials Scientists, Physicists, Metallurgists, Mechanical Engineers, Ceramists
Principal Editor:
I.A. Ovid'ko, Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering, Russian Academy of Sciences, Bolshoj 61, Vas.Ostrov, St.Petersburg 199178, Russia
International Editorial Board:V.P.Bulatov, Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia);
G.-M.Chow, National University of Singapore (Singapore); Y.G.Gogotsi; University of Illinois at Chicago (USA); P.Jena, Virginia Commonwealth University (USA); L.Kabacoff, Office of Naval Research(USA); C.S.Pande, Naval Research Laboratory (USA); H.-E.Schaefer, Stuttgart University (Germany); R.D.Shull, National Institute of Standards and Technology (USA); B.I.Smirnov, Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia); M.Soto, Office of Naval Research (USA); R.A.Suris, Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia); A.Tholen,Chalmers Laboratory (Sweden);
Y.F.Titovets, St.Petersburg State Technical University (Russia); T.Tsakalakos, Rutgers University (USA);
D.Wolf, Argonne National Laboratory (USA)
Prospective authors are encouraged to correspond with the principal editor before submitting an article. Proposals should include an outline with key citations. All papers submitted will be rigorously peer-reviewed prior to publication.
Postal Address:
Reviews on Advanced Materials Science
Editorial Office
Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering
Russian Academy of Sciences
Bolshoj 61, Vas.Ostrov, St.Petersburg, 199178, Russia
Fax: +(7 812)321 4771
E-mail: rams@def.ipme.ru