Specific features of deformation of amorphous and nanocrystalline metallic alloys
influenced by pulsed electric current were studied. It has been discovered that passing pulse
electrical current causes a momentary relief of mechanical stresses in loaded samples with its
subsequent reduction. The effect of aggressive media (20 % solutions of H2SO4
and HNO3)
on the value of mechanical stress drop in samples of amorphous cobalt-based alloys and
nanocrystalline iron-based alloy was also investigated. It depends on the tensile stess - tensile
strain and occurs when electric current pulses are passing. The paper determines dependence
of the mechanical stress value in tested materials on the density of pulsed electric current. It
also investigates the structural and morphological state of the alloy surface after its exposure
to aggressive media of different concentration.
Keywords: deformation; amorphous alloys; nanocrystalline alloys; pulsed electric current; acidic environment; relief of mechanical stresses |
full paper (pdf, 1296 Kb)