Optimization of the chemical composition of Ti2AlNb-based alloy resulted in
development of high-strength Ti-20.3Al-22.1Nb-1.2Zr-1.3V-0.9Mo-0.3Si (at.%) intermetallic
with rather low density ρ—5.1 g/cm3.
Mechanical properties of the alloy were considerably
improved due to formation of the homogeneous ultrafine-grained structure. The ultrafinegrained
material exhibited both high strength and ductility at room temperature (σUTS=1400
MPa; δ=25%) and superplastic behavior in the temperature range of 850-1000œC ( δmax=930%
at T=900œC). The metal-intermetallic composites consisting of alternating layers of the
orthorhombic intermetallic alloy and the commercial high-temperature titanium alloy were
produced. The 3-layered composite had high strength and reasonable ductility both at room and
elevated temperatures: σUTS=1235 MPa and δ=4% at T=20œC; σUTS=875 MPa
and δ=21% at
Keywords: intermetallic Ti2AlNb-based alloy, ultrafine-grained material, mechanical properties, metal/intermetallic composite. |
full paper (pdf, 1792 Kb)