The paper describes the homogenization procedure for two-phase mixture elastic
composites that consist of two isotropic phases. It is assumed that on the boundary between the
phases, special interface boundary conditions are held, where the stress jumps over the interphase
boundary are equal to the surface stresses at the interface. Such boundary conditions are used for
description of nanoscale effects in elastic nanobodies and nanocomposites. The homogenization
problems are solved using the approach of the effective moduli method, the finite element
method and the algorithm for generating the representative volume that consists of cubic finite
elements with random distribution of element material properties. To provide a numerical
example, a wolfram-copper composite is considered, where the interface conditions are modeled
by surface membrane elements.
Keywords: composite materials; homogenization problems; effective moduli method; finite element method. |
full paper (pdf, 736 Kb)