MPM e-journal
No 1, Vol. 8, 2009     

Contents & Preface (pdf-1, pdf-2)

  1. N.F. Morozov, I.A. Ovid'ko, Yu.V. Petrov, A.G. Sheinerman
    Generation and Coalescence of Nanocracks in the Course of Grain Boundary Sliding in Nanocrystalline Solids
    pages 1-7
    abstract    paper: pdf  (512 Kb)
  2. V.G. Morozov, S.A. Saveliev, Yu. I. Mescheryakov, N.I. Zhigacheva, B.K. Barakhtin
    Vortex Model for Elastoplastic Flow at Shock Loading
    pages 8-31
    abstract    paper: pdf  (1.36 Mb)
  3. V.T. Tomashevsky, V.S. Yakovlev
    Coupled Problems of Mechanics and Chemical Physics in the Technology for Producing Composite Polymer Materials
    pages 32-64
    abstract    paper: pdf  (1.12 Mb)
  4. S.V. Bobylev, I.A. Ovid'ko
    Nanograin Nucleation, Nanoscale Amorphization and Transformations of Disclinations in Deformed Nanomaterials
    pages 65-82
    abstract    paper: pdf  (448 Mb)
  5. I.A. Ovid'ko, A.G. Sheinerman
    Misfit Dislocations in Composite Nanowires
    pages 83-107
    abstract    paper: pdf  (1.648 Mb)

Last updated November 2, 2009