MPM e-journal
No 1, Vol. 9, 2010          

Contents & Preface (pdf)

  1. Andrey L. Sanin, Andrey T. Bagmanov
    Quantum Oscillator under External Impulse Force
    pages 1-10
    abstract    paper: pdf  (864 Kb)
  2. Alexander I. Melker and Maria A. Krupina
    Hidden Symmetry or why Ciclic Molecules Have so Strange Forms
    pages 11-19
    abstract    paper: pdf  (3488 Kb)
  3. Maria A. Krupina and Alexander I. Melker
    Unified Approach to Vibrations and Rotations of Molecules and Macromolecules
    abstract    paper: pdf  (640 Kb)
  4. Vladislav V. Nelayev and Andrey I. Mironchik
    Magnetizm of Graphene with Vacancy Clusters
    pages 26-34
    abstract    paper: pdf  (1680 Kb)
  5. Jelena Tamuliene, Rimantas Vaišnoras, Goncal Badenes and Leonas Mindaugas Balevičiu
    Point of View on Magnetic Properties of Con (n=6,8,10,12) Based on Quantum Chemistry Investigations
    pages 35-41
    abstract    paper: pdf  (608 Kb)
  6. Rytis Juršėnas and Gintaras Merkelis
    Application of Symbolic Programming for Atomic Many-Body Theory
    pages 42-52
    abstract    paper: pdf  (1008 Kb)
  7. Teodor Breczko, Viatcheslav V. Barkaline, Rostislav M. Grechishkin and Vladislav V. Nelayev
    Magnetic Properties of Ni2MnGa Alloy
    pages 53-67
    abstract    paper: pdf  (1856 Kb)
  8. Pavel Bogdanovich, Andrius Štikonas and Olga Rancova
    Comparison of Partial Diagonalization of Matrices with Standard Program Complexes
    pages 68-74
    abstract    paper: pdf  (800 Kb)
  9. Krzysztof Kus and Teodor Breczko
    DSC-Investigations of the Effect of Annealing Temperatire on the Phase Transformation Behaviour in Ni-Ti Shape Memory Alloy
    pages 75-83
    abstract    paper: pdf  (896 Kb)

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Last updated June 18, 2010