RAMS e-journal
Reviews on Advanced Materials Science
A Submission of papers:
Manuscript should be submitted in English in electronic version written in A4 format with 1'' margins (right, left, top, bottom), double-spaced, using Times Roman 12 pt font, to e-mail: rams@rams.ipme.ru

Filetypes: LaTeX2e with aipproc.cls, aipproc.sty (you can find instructions here) or MS Word files according to instructions bellow.

Pictures and photos should be submitted in TIFF format (400 dpi).

B Length:
Research Papers should be limited to 40 typewritten pages (including References and Tables) and ten (10) Figures each on separate page.

Review Papers should be limited to 100 typewritten pages (including References and Tables) and forty (40) Figures each on separate page.

C Structure of the manuscript:
Cover sheet
Figure Captions
Pictures and Photos
D A cover sheet should be included that contains the complete title, the names, affiliations, mailing addresses of the authors, fax and e-mail address of the corresponding author, and the abstract.
TITLE - bold, centered. (14 pt)
Author(s) - bold, centered, e.g. S. R. Brown and T. Klein
Affiliation(s) - centered, complete postal address for all authors, e-mail address
of corresponding author.

ABSTRACT. About 100-150 words.

E Tables: type each table on the separate page, number consecutively in arabic numerals and supply a heading.
F References:
References should be indicated in the text by consecutive numbers in square parentheses, e.g. [1,2,5-7], as a part of the text, the full reference being cited at the end of the text. References should contain the names of the authors together with their initials, the title of the journal, volume number, year and the first page number as illustrated below. References to books should contain the names of the authors, the title (the names of editors), the publisher name, location and year, as illustrated below.
[1] R. Birringer, H. Gleiter, H.P. Klein and P. Marquardt // Phys. Lett. 102 (1984) 365.
[2] F.R. Nabarro, Theory of Crystal Dislocations (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1967).
[3] V. Provenzano, In: Nanostructured Materials: Science and Technology, ed. by G.-M. Chow and N.I Noskova (Kluwer: Dordrecht, 1998), p. 335
G Figures:
For best results submit illustrations in the actual size at which they should be published. Each figure should be presented on separate page, the listing of the figure captions must be included.
H Equations must be clearly printed and numbered sequentially with arabic numbers enclosed with round parentheses at the right-hand margin.
I Units . the authors are encouraged to use the SI-units, other units are also acceptable.