RAMS, No 1, Vol. 1, 2000
N E W   J O U R N A L     MPM
Commencing publication with the March 2000 issue, the new journal Materials Physics and Mechanics  specializes in the rapid publication of international conference proceedings in every area of materials physics and mechanics. This permits such proceedings to be conveniently referenced, abstracted and read. All contributions are edited by the corresponding guest editor(s) and they may not be published elsewhere. The journal will cover research activities in physics and mechanics of the traditional as well as the newly emerging materials.

The journal "Materials Physics and Mechanics" is published in both hard copy and electronic versions.


Materials Scientists, Physicists, Metallurgists, Mechanical Engineers, Ceramists

Principal Editors:

V.P.Bulatov    and     I.A. Ovid'ko

Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering, Russian Academy of Sciences, Bolshoj 61, Vas.Ostrov, St.Petersburg 199178, Russia

International Editorial Board:

Y.G.Gogotsi; University of Illinois at Chicago (USA); S.A.Kukushkin, Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia); A.E.Romanov, Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia); A.Tholen,Chalmers Laboratory (Sweden); Y.F.Titovets, St.Petersburg State Technical University (Russia)


Postal Address:

Materials Physics and Mechanics

 Editorial Office

Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering

Russian Academy of Sciences

Bolshoj 61, Vas.Ostrov, St.Petersburg, 199178, Russia

Fax: +(7 812)321 4771

E-mail: mpm@def.ipme.ru

Web-sites: http://www.ipme.ru/e-journals/MPM/

