M. D. Baro ¹, Yu. R. Kolobov ², I. A. Ovid'ko ³,
H.-E.Schaefer 4,
B.B. Straumal 5,
R. Z. Valiev 6, I.V. Alexandrov 6, M. Ivanov ²,
K. Reimann 4, A. B. Reizis ³, S.
Surinach¹, A.P. Zhilyaev 1,6
1 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 08193 Bellaterra, SPAIN.
2 Institute of strength physics and materials science, Tomsk, RUSSIA
3 Institute of problems of mechanical engineering, S.-Petersburgh, RUSSIA.
E-mail: ovidko@def.ipme.ru
4 Universitaet Stuttgart, Institut fuer theoretische und angewandte Physik
70550 Stuttgart, GERMANY.
E-mail: schaefer@itap.physik.uni-stuttgart.de
5 Institute of Solid State Physics, 142432 Chernogolovka, Moscow District,
E-mail: straumal@issp.ac.ru
6 Institute for Physics of Advanced Materials, Ufa State Aviation Technical
University, 450000 Ufa, RUSSIA.
E-mail: AlexZh@mail.rb.ru
The paper reviews results of experimental and theoretical studies of
diffusion and related phenomena (grain growth, creeps,superplasticity) in
bulk nanostructured materials. The particular attention is paid to the
recent development in fabrication of bulk nanostructured materials and
their microstructural characterization, evolution of bulk nanostructured
materials during
heating. Experimental study and theoretical modeling of grain boundary
diffusion in bulk nanostructured materials are described. Related phenomena
(grain growth, creep, superplasticity) in such materials and also
ordering-reordering kinetics are presented.
full paper (pdf, 808 Kb)