The year 2007 International Scientific School "Modeling and Analysis of Safety and Risk in Complex Systems (MA SR - 2007)" will be held in Saint-Petersburg, Russia, September 4 - 8. It will be organized by the Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), the Saint-Petersburg Institute of Informatics and Automation of RAS, Defence Engineering Technical University and Bureau of Credit Risk Estimation and Analysis "INO_TEL" Ltd. with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.
All participants will have the possibility to see the wonderful city - Saint-Petersburg.
The official languages of the School are English and Russian.
The main research areas to be discussed at the School in the year 2007 are:
1. The consideration of methods and models for quantitative measurement of risk in economic, financial and social systems;
2. The consideration of methods and models for quantitative measurement and analysis of risk in complex technical systems (gas and petroleum production and transportation, space, aviation, navy, nuclear power, etc.);
3. Identification of weak parts in functioning and topology of complex infrastructures;
4. Logic-and-probabilistic (LP) risk models in banking, security portfolio, quality and efficiency, risk management of company;
5. Risk attributes;
6. The development of relations between various areas of application of risk theory.
These following more specific topics will be discussed at the School:
a) Risk models in Business and Finance
Market Risk;
Operational and Liquidity Risk;
Credit Risk;
Risk of security portfolio;
Risk in problems of strategic management;
LP-models of failure risk with groups of incompatible events;
Accuracy, robustness and transparency of risk estimation methods in business.
b) Risk models in Engineering and Ecology
Risk models in nuclear power;
Scenarios and models of safety and failure risk;
LP risk models for systems with multi-state elements;
Identification and optimization in risk problems;
Risk analysis and risk management;
Software for risk modeling and risk analysis;
Identification of weak parts in functioning and topology of complex infrastructures.
Leading scientists will give lectures in the field of financial, social, informational and technical risks. The scientific program includes reports and software demonstrations.
K.V. Frolov, Academician (Russia, IME RAS),
A. Agarwal, Professor (India, Indian Institute of Finance & IIFBS (GGS Indraprastha University)),
N. Machutov, corresponding member RAS (Russia, IME RAS),
I.A. Ryabinin, Professor (Russia, Naval Academy),
K. Giannopoulos, Professor (UAE, British University in Dubai),
S. Lloyd (USA, University or Rhode Island),
E.D. Solojentsev, Professor (Russia, IPME RAS).
G.A. Ershov (Russia, "AtomEnergoProject") |
A.S. Mozhaev (Russia, Sevzapmontazhautomatika) |
Yu.A. Esipov (Russia, Rostov-on-Don University) |
F. Popentiu (UK, City University, UNESCO Chair) |
M.S. Finkelstein (S. Africa, University of Free State) |
R. Righini (ENEA, Italy) |
D.A. Indeitsev (Russia, IPME RAS) |
A. Rotshtein (Israel)(USA) |
H. Kumamoto (Japan, Kyoto University) |
S.G. Tsiramua (Georgia, Tbilisi University) |
V.M. Matrosov (Russia, IME RAS) |
B.G. Volik (Russia, IPC RAS) |
N.F. Morosov (Russia, SPSU) |
R.M. Yusupov (Russia, SPII RAS) |
C. Acerbi (Abax Bank) |
A.P. Martins (Portugal, Universidade Catolica Portuguesa) |
G. Barone-Adesi (Switzerland) |
M.S. Nikulin (France, University Bordeaux) |
J. Cotter (University College Dublin, Ireland) |
A.A. Novoselov (Russia, ICM SB RAS) |
G.V. Dvas (Russia, Administration of Leningrad Region) |
I. Peaucelle (France, CNRS/CEPREMAP) |
D.Yu. Golembiovsky (Russia, Bank "ZENIT") |
G. Sorwar (UK, The University of Nottingham) |
N.V. Hovanov (Russia, SPSU) |
L. Spierdijk (Netherlands, University of Groningen) |
A.I. Kibzun (Russia, MIA) |
S. Uryasev (USA, University of Florida) |
H.-J. Lenz, (Germany, Freie Universitat) |
V.V. Vitlinsky (Ukraine, KNEU) |
E.D. Solojentsev, Professor, (Russia, IPME RAS) - chairman,
V.V. Karassev (Russia, IPME RAS) - secretary,
V.A. Melnikov (Russia, METU).
Authors who wish to participate in the School should send a paper to risk@sapr.ipme.ru, before April 25, 2007 as Microsoft Word file (not more 6 pages, type 11pt). Prior publication all papers will be peer refereed. We will send the invitation to authors of accepted papers till May 15, 2007 by E_mail. Please, download the rules of paper's writing for publication in MA SR - 2007 Proceedings (MS WORD file, 26.0 kb).
Please, fill in and send us registration form (MS WORD file, 26.0 kb).
The accepted papers will be published as Proceedings of the School by support of Russian Foundation for Basic Research and sponsors. Detailed information about participants, sponsors and the program of the School will be posted on School's website.
The Organizing Committee is inviting any other interested parties to support financially the School. Sponsors will be honorary guests of the School. Sponsors may place their logotypes and advertising in school's exhibition hall and all printing materials.
The registration fee is 300 USD before June, 25, 2007 and 400 USD after June, 25, 2007.
Payment should be made to MASR 2007 in US dollars or Euro (at current rate of exchange) by direct bank or wire transfer to:
IPME RAS, Bolshoi pr., 61. V.O.
199178, St.Petersburg, RUSSIA
Tel.: 7(812)3214766 Fax.: 7(812)3214771
Evgueni Solojentsev ( E_mail: risk@sapr.ipme.ru )
Vasily Karasev ( E_mail: karasev@sapr.ipme.ru )