The Twelfth International Scientific School "Modeling and Analysis of Safety and Risk in Complex Systems (MASR - 2014) will be held in Saint-Petersburg, Russia, November 18 - 20, 2014.
The School will be organized by Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering of Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Saint-Petersburg Institute of Informatics and Automation of RAS, Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation and "INO_TEL" Ltd. company with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.
Leading and well-known scientists will give lectures in the field of financial, social, informational and technical risks. Plenary session and two subject sections will be organized. The scientific program includes lectures and software demonstrations.
The official languages of the School are English and Russian.
1. |
Technologies and models for economic safety control at macro and micro level; |
2. |
Methods of quantitative estimation, analysis, forecasting and management of risk and efficiency in economics and engineering; |
3. |
Risk management technologies in structural complex technical and economic systems; |
4. |
Risk management technologies components; |
5. |
Models and procedures for risk management technologies; |
6. |
Risks management technologies software; |
7. |
Practical applications of risk management technologies in economics and engineering; |
8. |
Educational standards to increase competence in estimation, analysis and risk management in systems and processes; |
9. |
New kinds of events and logic-probabilistic (LP) models in risk management technologies; |
10. |
LP risk models for innovation management; |
11. |
LP models of operational risk and capital reservation in banks; |
12. |
LP models of invalidity risk in systems and processes of quality management under ISO 9001-2008 standard. |
Section "Technologies and Risk Models in Technical Systems"
Risk models in nuclear power engineering;
Scenarios and models of safety and risk in technical systems;
Optimization in risks management technologies;
Forecasting of risk and accidents in technical systems;
Analysis and management of risk and efficiency under statistical data;
LP-models of invalidity risk in systems and processes for functioning quality management under ISO 9001-2008;
Models, methods and software for analysis and control of safety and survivability of structural complex power systems;
Software for modeling and analysis of risk and efficiency;
Software reliability.
Section "Technologies and Risk Models in Economics"
Market risk;
Operational risk;
Credit risk;
Security portfolio risk;
Risk of investments;
Operative and strategic management of risk and efficiency in complex systems;
Forecasting of risk and crisis in economic systems;
Risk models in macro- and micro economics;
Method of summarized indicators in risks management technologies;
Risks management technologies in practice;
Technologies of risk management for social and economic systems evolution;
LP risk models for economic safety control;
LP risk models for innovation management;
Classes of LP risk models for risks management technologies: LP-modeling, LP-classification, LP-efficiency, LP-forecasting;
Procedures of risks management technologies: construction, identification, analysis, forecasting and risk management;
LP models for informational and analytical support of executive bodies of the Government;
LP risk models for counteraction to narcotization.
N.A. Machutov, corresponding member of RAS (Russia, IME RAS),
A.G. Aganbegyan, academician (Russia, RAS),
A. Agarwal, professor (India, IIF & IIFBS),
Yu.A. Antokhina (Russia, rector of SUAI),
M.A. Dorgham, professor (UK, InderScience Publisher),
K. Giannopoulos, professor (Cyprus, Neapolis University),
G. Mondello, professor (France, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis),
I.A. Ryabinin, professor (Russia, Naval Academy),
R.I. Solnitsev, professor (Russia, SUAI),
E.D. Solojentsev, professor (Russia, IPME RAS),
R.M. Yusupov, corresponding member of RAS (Russia, SPII RAS).
Bochkov A.V., professor (Russia) |
Prourzin V.A., cand. of science (Russia) |
Finkelstein M.S., professor (South Africa) |
Rahim Y., Ph.D. (Norway) |
Indeitsev D.A., corr. member of RAS (Russia) |
Righini R., professor (Italy) |
Kumamoto H., professor (Japan) |
Rotshtein A., professor (Israel) |
Morosov N.F., academician (Russia, SPSU) |
Simakov I.P., cand. of science (Russia) |
Mozhaev A.S., professor (Russia) |
Tsiramua S.G., professor (Georgia) |
Polenin V.I., professor (Russia) |
Ushakov I.A., professor (USA) |
Popentiu F., professor (Romania) |
Volik B., professor (Russia) |
Barone-Adesi G., professor (Switzerland) |
Nikulin M., professor (France) |
Gallais-Hamonno G., professor (France) |
Novoselov A., professor (Russia) |
Gallo G., professor (Italy) |
Odinets V.P., professor (Russia) |
Golembiovsky D.Yu., cand. of science (Russia) |
Rogov M., cand. of science (Russia) |
Hovanov N.V., professor (Russia) |
Roy N., professor (USA) |
Kibzun A.I., professor (Russia) |
Rukhovets L.A., professor (Russia) |
Kuznetsov S.V., professor (Russia) |
Rutkauskas A.V., professor (Lithuania) |
Lenz H.-J., professor (Germany) |
Stepanov A.G., professor (Russia) |
Lesnykh V.V., professor (Russia) |
Tzavalis E., professor (Greece) |
Sarbesh M., Ph.D. (India) |
Vitlinsky V.V., professor (Ukraine) |
Mityagin S.A., cand. of science (Russia) |
E.D. Solojentsev, (Russia, IPME RAS) - chairman,
V.V. Karasev (Russia, IPME RAS) - co-chairman,
E.I. Karaseva (Russia, SPbSUAI) - secretary,
V.I. Polenin (Russia, Naval Academy),
B.V. Sokolov (Russia, SPII RAS).
Authors who wish to participate in the School should send a paper or brief thesis of lecture to
adm@inotel.org or inorisk@gmail.com,
before October 1, 2014
as Microsoft Word file (not more 6 pages, type 11pt). Prior publication all papers will be peer refereed.
We will send the invitation to authors of accepted papers before November 1, 2014 by E_mail.
Please, download rules of paper's writing for publication in MA SR - 2014 Proceedings (PDF file, 26.0 kb).
Please, fill in and send us registration form (file Microsoft Word, 26.0 kb).
The accepted papers will be published as Proceedings of the School by support of Russian Foundation for Basic Research and sponsors. Detailed information about participants, sponsors and the program of the School will be placed at MASR-2014 web page .
The Organizing Committee is inviting any other interested parties to support financially the School. Sponsors will be honorary guests of the School. Sponsors may place their logotypes and advertising in School's exhibition hall, School's website and all printing issues.
Registration fee is 300 USD before November, 1 and 400 USD after November, 1.
IPME RAS, Bolshoi pr., 61. V.O.
199178, St.Petersburg, RUSSIA
Tel.: 7(812)3214766 Fax.: 7(812)3214771
Evgueni Solojentsev - chairman
Vasily Karasev - co-chairman
E_mail: adm@inotel.org, inorisk@gmail.com .