Alexei Ossadtchi, (Senior researcher, IPME and Senior lecturer, Department of Higher nervous activity and psychophysiology at SPbSU). Area of research lies in application of signal processing and mathematical modeling approaches to analysis of multidimensional experimental data. In particular: inverse problem in MEG and EEG, detection of cortical areas interaction based on the non-invasively collected data in norm and pathology, application of control theory to improve neurofeedback's efficiency, brain computer interface. Alexei Ossadtchi obtained his Ph.D. In the neuroimaging lab of Richard Leahy Ph.D. at the University of Southern California in 2003. Dr. Ossadtchi thesis was devoted to development of methods for detection of epileptogenic networks based on the non-invasively collected MEG data. After graduation Dr. Ossadtchi joined company Source Signal Imaging Inc., San Diego, California as a scientist continuing his work on development of advanced techniques for analysis of MEG and EEG signals. Having moved to Russia and joined SPBU faculty Dr. Ossadtchi continued the work with Source Signal Imaging in the form of consulting.
At SPbSU Alexei developed three new courses teaching students methods of analysis of multidimensional experimental data, from basics to advanced topics. Starting 2009 Dr. Ossadtchi is hosting a seminar of computational aspects of neuroscience attracting multidisciplinary auditory. In his research work Dr. Ossadtchi is collaborating with the leading Russian and international scientists Richard Leahy (University of Southern California, USA), Richard Greenblatt (Source Signal Imaging Inc., USA ), Kyousuke Kamada (Asahikawa University, Japan), Vernon Toule (University of Chicago, USA), Alexandr Kaplan, Sergey Shishkin (Moscow State University, Russia), Juri Kropotov (Institute for human brain, RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia). Dr. Ossadtchi has published 17 papers in the peer reviewed journals on the topic of analysis of multidimensional experimental data. His Hirsch Index h=9 (Scopus, 2010)
List of publications
Ossadtchi A., Greenblatt R.E, Towle V.L., Kohrman M.H., Kamada K.,
Inferring Spatiotemporal Network Patterns from Intracranial EEG Data,
Clin, Neurophysiology, June 2010
Greenblatt R.E., Ossadtchi A., Kurelowech L.,. Lawson D and Criado J.,
Time-Frequency Source Estimation from MEG data, Frontiers in
Neuroscience Methods , March 2010
Greenblatt RE, Ossadtchi A, Pflieger ME. Non-target interference in
MEG beamformer time series estimation, International Congress Series,
v. 1300, June 2007, pp. 137-140
Greenblatt RE, Ossadtchi A, Pflieger ME. Local Linear Estimators for
the Bioelectromagnetic Inverse Problem, IEEE Trans Signal Proc. 2005.
v.53/9, 2005
Greenblatt R. E., Ossadtchi A., Pflieger M.E., and Rojas D.C., Local
linear estimators and a statistical framework for event related field
analysis, Intl J Bioelectromagnetism , v. 7/2, 2005
Ossadtchi A, Mosher JC, Sutherling WW, Greenblatt RE, Leahy RM, Hidden
Markov modeling of spike propagation from interictal MEG data, Phys.
Med. Biol. 50 3447-3469, 2005
Ossadtchi A, Mosher JC, Sutherling WW, Greenblatt RE, Leahy RM, Hidden
Markov modeling of spike propagation from interictal MEG data, Phys.
Med. Biol. 50 3447-3469, 2005
Ossadtchi A, Baillet S, Mosher JC, Thyerlei D, Sutherling WW and Leahy
RM. Automated interictal spike detection and source localization in
MEG using ICA and spatial-temporal clustering. Clin. Neurophysiology,
2004; 115/3, 508- 522.
Thyerlei D, Ossadtchi A, Maleeva T, Mamelak AN and Sutherling WW.
Using intracranial depth electrode stimulation as a reference source
for reconstruction from simultaneous scalp EG. NeuroImage 2003;
Khan A, Ossadtchi A, Leahy RM and Smith D. Error-correcting microarray
design. Genomics 2003; 81(2), 157-165
Dribinski V, Ossadtchi A, Mandelshtam V and Reisler H. Reconstruction
of Abel-transformable images: The Basis-Set Expansion Abel Transform,
Method. Rev. Sci. Inst., 2002; 73.
Brown VM, Ossadtchi A, Khan AH, Yee S, Lacan G, Melega WP, Cherry SR,
Leahy RM and Smith DJ. Multiplex three-dimensional brain gene
expression mapping in a mouse model of Parkinson's disease. Genome Res
Leil TA, Ossadtchi A, Cortes J, Leahy RM and Smith DJ. Finding new
candidate genes for learning and memory. J Neurosci Res 2002;
Ossadtchi A, Brown VM, Khan AH, Cherry SR, Leahy RM, Nichols T, Smith
DJ. Statistical analysis of multiplex brain gene expression images.
Neurochem Res 2002; 27: 1113-1121.
Brown VM, Ossadtchi A, Khan AH, Gambhir SS, Cherry SR, Leahy RM and
Smith DJ. Gene expression tomography. Genomics 2002; 8:159-167.
Brown VM, Ossadtchi A, Khan AH, Cherry SR, Leahy RM and Smith DJ.
High-throughput imaging of brain gene expression. Genome Res. 2002;
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