CCS Publications, 2010


From Physics to Control Through an Emergent View.
Edited by Luigi Fortuna (University of Catania, Italy), Alexander Fradkov (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia), & Mattia Frasca (University of Catania, Italy).
World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science, Series B.
Book Chapters

A. L. Fradkov, B. Andrievskiy, and R. J. Evans,
"Hybrid quantized observer for multi-input-multi-output nonlinear systems,"
In: Dynamics and control of hybrid mechanical systems. G. Leonov, H. Nijmeijer, A. Pogromsky, and A. Fradkov, Eds. Singapore: World Scientific, 2010, pp. 89-102.

A. L. Fradkov, B. Andrievskiy, K. B. Boykov, and B. P. Lavrov,
"Multipendulum mechatronic setup for studying control and synchronization,"
In Dynamics and control of hybrid mechanical systems. G. Leonov, H. Nijmeijer, A. Pogromsky, and A. Fradkov, Eds. Singapore: World Scientific, 2010, pp. 211-222.

A.Y. Pogromsky, B. Andrievsky, J.E. Rooda,
Control of oscillations in manufacturing networks
In: From Physics to Control Through an Emergent View, L. Fortuna, A. Fradkov, & M. Frasca (Eds.). Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Company, June 17, 2010. P. 121-130.
Journal papers

Aranovskiy S., Bobtsov A., Kremlev A., Nikolaev N., Slita O.
Identification of frequency of biased harmonic signal
European Journal of Control. - 2010. - ¿2. - P. 129-139.

Fradkov A.L., B. Andrievsky, D. Peaucelle.
Estimation and control under information constraints for LAAS helicopter benchmark
IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology. 2010. V. 18, No 5. P. 1180-1187.
Conference papers

Andrievsky B., Fradkov A.L.
Adaptive coding for position estimation in formation flight control
Proc. IFAC Workshop Adaptation and Learning in Control and Signal Processing (ALCOSP 2010), Antalya, Turkey, Aug. 26-28, 2010. IFAC.

B.R. Andrievsky, A.S. Matveev, and A.L. Fradkov.
Control and estimation under information constraints: Toward a unified theory of control, computation and communications.
Automation and Remote Control, 71(4):572--633, 2010.

Borisenok S.V., Fradkov A.L., Proskurnikov A.V.
Speed gradient control of qubit state
4th IFAC Workshop PSYCO 2010, Antalya, Aug.26-28, 2010.

Efimov D.V., Fradkov A.L.,
Wave Control in the Lattices of Linear Oscillators
49th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control. Dec. 15-17, 2010, Atlanta, GA, USA.

Filippov S.A., Fradkov A.L., Ashikhmina I.V., Seifullaev R.E.
LEGO Mindstorms NXT Robots and Oscillators in Control Education
4th IFAC Workshop PSYCO 2010, Antalya, Aug.26-28, 2010.

Fradkov A.L., Andrievsky B.
Passification-based robust flight control system design
Proc. IFAC Workshop Adaptation and Learning in Control and Signal Processing (ALCOSP 2010), Antalya, Turkey, Aug. 26-28, 2010. IFAC.

Fradkov A.L., Junussov I.
Decentralized Adaptive Controller for Sychronization of Nonlinear Dynamical Heterogeneous Networks
10th IFAC Workshop ALCOSP 2010, Antalya, Aug.26-28, 2010.

Fradkov A.L., Razuvaeva I.V., Grigoriev G.K.
Passification Based Adaptive Control Under Coordinate-Parametric White Noise Disturbances
8th IFAC Symposium NOLCOS 2010, Bologna, 2010.