Personal grants:
Development the deformation and fracture models for metal- and transformation-toughening ceramic composites,
2014 - 2015 (Russian Foundation for Basic Research, № 14-01-31533)
Developing a model describing the formation of internal stresses in the metal-ceramic fiber composites as a function of their
microstructure and the sintering temperature,
2013 (Russian Foundation for Basic Research, № 13-01-90724)
Participation in grants:
- Problems of mechanics of phase and chemical transformations in homogeneous and composite materials,
2016 - 2018 (Russian Foundation for Basic Research, № 16-01-00815)
- Statement and solution of coupled mechanochemistry problems,
2013 - 2015 (Russian Foundation for Basic Research, № 13-01-00687)
- Fracture of the contact surfaces of ceramic tribosystems
2003-2015 (Russian Foundation for Basic Research, № 13-08-00553)
- Kinetics of phase and chemical transformations in deformable materials,
2010-2012 (Russian Foundation for Basic Research, № 10-01-00670)
- New phase areas nucleation and development under thermal and load action on deformable solids,
2007-2009 (Russian Foundation for Basic Research, № 07-01-00525)
- Influence of phase transformations on deformation, stability and fracture of elastic solids,
2004 - 2006 (Russian Foundation for Basic Research, № 04-01-00431)
- R.A. Filippov, A.B. Freidin, I.V. Hussainova, E.N. Vilchevskaya.
Critical Radius of Zirconia Inclusions in Transformation Toughening of Ceramics. //
Physical Mesomechanics, 2015, 18(1):33-42
- Vilchevskaya, E.N., Filippov, R.A., Freidin, A.B.
On transient layers as new phase domains in composite materials. // Mechanics of Solids, 2013, 48 (1) , pp. 92-118
- A.B. Freidin, R.A. Filippov, I. Hussainova, E.N. Vilchevskaya,
Critical radius in the effect of transformation toughening of zirconia doped ceramics and cermets//
Key Engineering Materials. Vol. 527 (2013) pp. 68-73 Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.
- Babaev, A.A., Khokhlachev, P.P., Nikolaev, Yu.A., Terukov, E.I., Freidin, A.B., Filippov, R.A., Filippov, A.K., Manabaev, N.K
Nanocomposite based on modified multiwalled carbon nanotubes: Fabrication by an oriented spinning process and electrical conductivity. //
Inorganic Materials, 2012, 48 (10) , pp. 997-1000.
- Babaev, A.A., Khokhlachev, P.P., Nickolaev, Y.A., Terukov, E.I., Freidin, A.B., Filippov, R.A., Fillipov, A.K.,
Manabaev, N.K.
Features of the specific resistance of nanocomposite films fabricated from multiwall carbon tubes by means of a directed spinning chuck. //
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics, 2012, 76 (9) , pp. 1051-1053
- A. A. Babaev, P. P. Khokhlachev, Y. A. Nickolaev, E. I. Terukov, A. B. Freidin, R. A. Filippov, A. K. Fillipov,
N. K. Manabaev. Features of the specific resistance of nanocomposite films fabricated from multiwall carbon tubes
by means of a directed spinning chuck // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics, 2012, Vol. 76, Issue
9, pp. 1051-1053.
- R.A. Filippov, A.B. Freidin, E.N. Vilchevskaya. On new phase intermediate layers in nanocomposites as a source of
increasing the elastic moduli // Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, 2011, 2(2):107-118.
- R.A. Filippov, A.B. Freidin, E.N. Vilchevskaya. On transition layers in nanocomposites as new phase areas. //
Proc. XXXIX Summer School-Conference Advanced problems in mechanics, APM 2011.
- R.A. Filippov. Transition layers in composite materials as new phase areas //
Herald of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod , 2011, Vol. 4, No 2.
- Р.А. Филиппов, А.Б. Фрейдин, И.В. Хусаинова, Е.Н. Вильчевская.
Критические размеры включений диоксида циркония в эффекте трансформационного упрочнения керамик.
XI Всероссийский Съезд по фундаментальным проблемам теоретической и прикладной механики, 2015 г., Казань, Россия.
- R.A. Filippov, A.B. Freidin, I. Hussainova, E.N. Vilchevskaya.
Critical radius of zirconium dioxide particles in
transformation toughening of ceramics. 9th European Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC 2015),
2015, Leganés-Madrid, Spain.
- Р.А. Филиппов. Расчет критического радиуса включений диоксида циркония в трансформационно упрочняющихся керамиках.
XVIII Зимняя школа по механике сплошных сред, 2013 г., Пермь, Россия.
- 7. R.A. Filippov, A.B. Freidin, E.N. Vilchevskaya New Phase Domains Growth around Inclusions in Materials Undergoing Stress-induced Phase Transformations.
8-th European Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC 2012), 2012, Graz, Austria.
- R.A. Filippov. Transition layers in composite materials as new phase areas.
X Russian Congress of the fundamental problems of theoretical and applied mechanics, 2011, Nizhni Novgorod, Russia.
- R.A. Filippov, A.B. Freidin, E.N. Vilchevskaya. On transition layers in nanocomposites as new phase areas. XXXIX Summer School APM2011, 2011, St.Petersburg, Russia
- R.A.Filippov, E.N. Vilchevskaya, A.B. Freidin. On formation of transition layers in nanocomposite materials as new phase domains.
XXXVII Summer School APM2009, 2009, St.Petersburg, Russia
- R.A.Filippov, A.B.Freidin, E.N.Vilchevskaya. On thermomechanical control of transition layers in nanocomposite materials.
XXXV Summer School APM2007, 2007, St.Petersburg, Russia
- A.B.Freidin, M.A.Antimonov, L.L.Sharipova, R.A.Filippov. Equilibrium, stability and kinetics of two-phase deformations.
XXXV Summer School APM2007, 2007, St.Petersburg, Russia
- R.A. Filippov, A.K. Filippov A.B. Freidin. Nanocomposite on the basis of modified carbon nanomaterials. Saint-Petersburg
International Workshop on NanoBiotechnologies, 2006, St.Petersburg, Russia