Sergey V. Sorokin
Surname: |
Sorokin |
Given name: |
Sergey |
Patronymic name: |
Vladislavovich |
Contact info: |
Tel: + 45 30353807
E-mail: svs at m-tech.aau.dk
Address: Fibigerstraede 16, 3-211, Aalborg East, 9220 Denmark
Home page: RU EN |
Position in IPME RAS: |
Principal researcher, Laboratory for Mathematical Modelling of Wave Phenomena, RAS (part-time) |
Academic degree: |
D.Sc. |
Title: |
Professor |
Date of birth: |
09.06.1955 |
Professional activity: |
1972–1978 — Student of Shipbuilding Institute, Leningrad
1978–1992 — PhD student, Engineer, Junior Researcher, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Mechanics of Materials at Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute
1992 — Academic degree of D.Sc. in Technical Sciences
1992–2002 — Full Professor, Head of Department of Mechanics of Materials at State Marine Technical University of St. Petersburg
1994 — Professor in Mechanics of Materials
since 2002 — Full Professor in Vibro-Acoustics, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Aalborg University, Denmark |
Scientific interests: |
Vibro-acoustics Mechanics of deformable solids Wave propagation in solids and structures Asymptotic methods in applied mechanics The method of boundary integral equations and its applications
Membership: |
Dissertation councils: |
“Acoustics” at the State Marine Technical University of St. Petersburg |
Editorial boards: |
Journal “Proceedings of the Seminar ‘Computer methods in Mechanics of Solids’” Journal of Sound and Vibration Archive of Applied Mechanics
Teaching: |
Professor of the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Aalborg University, Denmark Professor of the Department of Mechanics of Materials and Theoretical Mechanics at the State Marine Technical University of St. Petersburg
Courses: |
Theoretical Vibro-Acoustics Variational Methods in Applied Mechanics Boundary Integral Equation Methods with Applications Vibration Theory Dynamics of Mechanical Systems Mechanics of Materials
Seminars: |
Chairman of the “MAKUNET” seminar at Aalborg University |
Conferences: |
Structured Sessions organizer at International Congresses on Sound and Vibration 2007–2017 Mini-symposia organizer at International Conferences COMPODYN 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017 Mini-symposium organizer at International Conference EURODYN 2017 Distinguished invited speaker at the conferences RASD 2010 and NOVEM 201
Profiles in scientific databases and networks: |
Google Scholar
Research Gate
Russian Science Citation Index
Selected recent publications: |
Sorokin S.V. 2011 The Green's matrix and the boundary integral equations for analysis of time-harmonic dynamics of elastic helical springs Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 129, 1315–1323. Morfey C.L., Sorokin S.V., Gabard G. 2012 The effects of viscosity on sound radiation near solid surfaces Journal of Fluid Mechanics 690, 441–460. Sorokin S.V. 2013 On the bi-orthogonality conditions for multi-modal elastic waveguides Journal of Sound and Vibration 332, 5606–5617. Sorokin S.V., Chapman C.J. 2014 A hierarchy of high-order theories for symmetric modes in an elastic layer Journal of Sound and Vibration 333, 3505–3521. Nielsen R., Sorokin S.V. 2014 The WKB approximation for analysis of wave propagation in curved rods of slowly varying diameter Proceedings of Royal Society of London. Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences A470, 20130718. Hvatov A., Sorokin S.V. 2015 Free vibration of finite periodic structures in pass- and stop-bands of the counterpart infinite waveguides Journal of Sound and Vibration 347, 200–217. Sorokin S.V. 2015 On propagation of plane symmetric waves in a periodically corrugated straight elastic layer Journal of Sound and Vibration, 349, 348–360. Indejtsev D.A., Zhuchkova M. G., Kouzov D.P., Sorokin S.V. 2016 Low-frequency wave propagation in an elastic plate floating on a two-layered fluid Wave Motion 62 98–113. Chapman C.J., Sorokin S.V. 2016 A class of reduced-order models in the theory of waves and stability Proceedings of Royal Society of London. Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences, 472: 20150703. Morsbol J., Sorokin S.V., Peake N. 2016 A WKB approximation of elastic waves travelling on a shell of revolution Journal of Sound and Vibration, 375, 162–186.