Head of Laboratory
Professor Yury I. Meshcheryakov
Honorary Scientist of Russian Federation
Tel. (812) 321-4765, Fax (812) 321-4771
Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Science
V.O. Bolshoi 61, 199178, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Svetlana A. Atroshenko. — Doctor of Sci., Professor
Natali I. Zhigacheva — Ph.D. Chief Sci. Researcher
Alexandre K. Divakov — Chief Sci. Researcher
Grigorii V. Konovalov — Scientific Researcher, post graduate student
Yurii A. Petrov — Leading Engineer-constructor
Scientific directions and research tasks
- Shock-wave propagation in condensed matter.
- Dynamic deformation and fracture including spall and
- Shock-induced structural instability, turbulence and
fragmentation of solids.
- Shock-induced phase transformations in solids.
- Creation of materials with nanostructure.
- Dynamic compaction of amorphous powders.
- Development of new test techniques.
- Modeling of multiscale shock-wave processes in solids.
Experimental approaches
- Shock loading under uniaxial strain conditions
- Shock loading under uniaxial stress state
- Taylor technique
- Combined techniques
Equipment and diagnostics
- Light gas guns
- Laser interferometry
- PVDF and other gauges
In-situ registered characteristics:
- Time-resolved free surface velocity profiles Ufs(t)
- Particle velocity variation histories D(t)
- Defect of particle velocity ∆U = Uimp – Ufs
- Impact velocity Uimp
Interference fringe signal (A), deciphered free surface velocity profile
Ufs particle velocity variation D for 30Kh N4 M steel target loaded at impact
velocity of 320 m/s.
Shock gun facility and laser diagnostics for shock-wave investigations
Microstructure investigations
Optical, REM and TEM techniques, X-ray analysis for studying microstructural processes including:
Twinning, shear banding, dynamic recrystallization, spallation, crack formation, vortical structures and phase transitions
(a) shock-induced 3D nanostructure formations in copper; (b) impactor and targets after penetration and spallation;
1) Two-channel fringe signal═ of shock wave in armor steels;
3) Spallation in armor steel targets
Materials under investigation
- Armor steels of different composition.
- Maraging steels of different composition.
- Titanium alloys VT-6, VT-3-1, VT-14, VT16, VT-20, VT-22, VT23,
Ti- 6Al-4V.
- Aluminum alloys: VT-95, D16, AMg-6, D16-ВЮР, 1420, 1561, 1565
- Beryllium.
- Gray iron of different compositions.
- Nitrogen steels.
- Pipe steels.
- Copper.
- Aluminum alloy in nano- and micro-states.
- Quartz glass.
- Gabro-diabase and other rocks.
Scientific and practical achievements
- Dislocation models for shock wave propagation in solids.
- Bank of data of spall-strength characteristics for large volume of constructional
materials on the basis of shock test experiments conducted at Fracture Physics Laboratory.
- A new experimental interferometric technique for registration of shock-wave processes
which allows a real-time monitoring a dynamic response of shock-loaded materials at two scale levels simultaneously — mesoscopical and macroscopical.
- Developed at the Dynamic Fracture Physics Laboratory equipment including light gas guns and two-channel
laser interferometers are supplied to Russian Federal Nuclear Center VNIIEF (Sarov), Special Materials Lmt.
(Saint-Petersburg), Technical University of Wien (Austria).
- New technique for measuring a particle velocity dispersion at
the mesoscopic scale level in shock-deformed solids based on the real-time laser interference technique.
- Experimental and theoretical investigation of energy exchange processes between mesoscopic and macroscopic structural levels in unsteady shock waves.
- Criteria for dynamic fracture of shock loaded materials taking into account the energy exchange between mesoscopic and macroscopic structural levels.
- Development of theoretical model for noise-induced structural transition in shock-deformed medium.
- Firstly discovered and investigated in details a shock-induced phase transition at titanium alloys from the position of influence on the spall strength
of alloys. A coupling of the kinetics of phase transitions and dynamic strength of titanium alloys.
- In the frame of international grants INTAS and VOLKWAGEN, a detailed experimental investigations of crack nucleation and propagation in shock
loaded constructional materials has been performed.
- Experimental studying of dynamic yielding and strength characteristics of constructional, armor and maraging steels.
Research Programs and Grants
- “Exprimental investigation of phase transitions in titanium alloys under
shock loading”, State Research Program, 2003-2005.
- “Exprimental investigation of vortical mechanism of elastic-plastic deformation under shockloading”, State Research Program, 2006-2008.
- “On influence of structure transitions at the compression pulse front on the spall strength of materials”
Grant of Ministry of Industry and Science of Russian Federation №
- “On the Control of Physical Mechanisms of Structure Formation under shock loading”. State Program “19 PRAN 2005-2008”.
- “Investigation of dynamic strength of Granite and Melted Quartz under Shock loading”. Federal Research Program “ Physics and Mechanics of High-Compressed Matter and Inner Structure of Earth and Planets”. 2005-2007.
- “Investigation of structure formation processes under shock loading” RFBR Grant 08-02-00329.
- “Shock-induced structure formation in metals and alloys unser shock loading”. RFBR Grant 08-02-00304.
- “Determination of dynamic yielding for pipe steels within strain rate range of 10 4 — 10 6 s-1. Research Program “Magistral”. 2007-2010.
International cooperation and contacts
- Livermore Lawrence National Laboratory, USA.
Material Support Agreement number B-319757.
- Army Research Laboratory USA. Contract DAAZ01-96-M-0141.
- Army Research Laboratory Contract DAAL01-98-P-0796.
- International Grant INTAS: Project INTAS 96-2141.
- International Grant WOLKVAGEN Research Project I-74-645
Basic publications on topic
(total number of publications 195)
- Ю.И. Мещеряков. Статистическая модель формирования откольной поверхности и критерий разрушения. // Поверхность. Cер. физика, химия, механика. 1988. № 3. C.101-111.
- Yu.I. Mescheryakov and S.A. Atroshenko. Multiscale rotations in dynamically deformed solids. // Int. Journal of Solids and Structures. 1992. Vol. 29, No 22. P. 2761-2778,
- Б.К. Барахтин, Ю.И. Мещеряков, Г.Г. Савенков. Динамические и фрактальные свойства стали СП-28 в условиях высокоскоростного нагружения. // Журнал технической физики. 1997,T. 68, № 10. C. 43-49.
- Yu.I. Mescheryakov E.I. Prokuratova Kinetic theory of continuously distributed dislocations. // International Journal of Solids and Structures . 1995. Vol. 32, No 12.
- Yu.I. Mescheryakov, A.K. Divakov. Multiscale kinetics of microstructure and strain-rate dependence of materials. // Dymat Journal. 1994.Vol.1, № 4. Р. 271-277.
- T.A. Khantuleva ,Yu.I. Mescheryakov. Nonlocal theory of the high-strain-rate processes in structured media. // International Journal of Solids and Structures, 1999. Vol.36. P.3105- 3129.
- А. Хантулева, Ю.И. Мещеряков. Анализ процессов образования мезоскопических структур в задачях проникания и откола. // Химическая физика. 1999, т. 18, № 10.
- Yu.I. Mescheryakov. Mesoscopic effects and particle velocity distribution in shock compressed solids. “Shock Compression of Condenced Matter-1999”. Ed. by M.D. Furnish, L.C. Chhabildas and R.S. Nixon. AIP- Proceeding 505, Melville, New York, 1999. Р. 1065-1070.
- Т.А. Хантулева, Ю.И. Мещеряков . Кинетика и нелокальная гидродинамика формирования мезоструктуры в динамически деформируемых средах. Физическая мезомеханика. 1999. Том.2. C. 5- 17.
- Yu.I. Mescheryakov, A.K. Divakov, N.I. Zhigacheva. Shock-induced phase transformation and vortex instabilities in shock-loaded titanium alloy. Inernational Journal of Shock Waves. 2000. Vol.10, No 1. P.43-56.
- Ю.И. Мещеряков, A.K. Диваков, Н.И. Жигачева, Ю.А. Петров. Откольная прочность и фазовые превращения в сплавах титана при ударном нагружении. // Физика металлов и металловедение. 1999, № 5. C. 87-90.
- Yu.I. Mescheryakov. Mesoscopic effects and particle velocity distribution in shock compressed solids. // In: “Shock Compression of Condenced Matter-1999”. Ed. by M.D. Furnish, L.C. Chhabildas and R.S. Nixon. AIP- Proceeding 505, Melville, New York, 1999. P.1065-1070.
- Ю.И.Мещеряков. Флуктуативное затухание волн в твердом теле. // Химическая физика. 2000. том.19, № 2. C. 44-50.
- Yu.I. Mescheryakov, A.K. Divakov, N.I. Zhigacheva. Role of mesostructure effects in dynamic plasticity and strength of ductile steels. // Materials Physics and Mechanics. 2001. Vol. 3. P. 63-100.
- Yu.I. Meshcheryakov, A.K. Divakov. Affect of shock-induced phase transformations on dynamic strength of titanium alloys. // International Journal of Impact Engineering. 2001. Vol. 26. P. 497-508.
- Ю.И. Мещеряков, Г.Г.Савенков. Осцилляции фронта пластической волны в условиях высокоскоростного нагружения. // ПМТФ. 2001. Т. 42,
№ 6. С. 117-123.
- Yu.I. Mescheryakov. Macro-meso energy exchange in dynamically deformed steels. // In: “Shock Compression of Condensed Matter-2001”. Ed. M.D. Furnish, N.N. Thadhani, and Y-Y. Horie. 2002. APS. Proceedings P. 267-270.
- Yu.I. Mescheryakov. Meso-macro energy exchange in shock deformed compression of solids VI. // In: “High-Pressure shock and fractured solids. Springer, 2002, P.169-213.
- Г.Г. Савенков, Ю.И. Мещеряков. Структурная вязкость твердых тел. // Физика горения и взрыва. 2002. т. 38, № 3. C. 113-118.
- Yu.I. Mescheryakov, T.A. Khantuleva, A.K.Divakov. Kinetics of mesostructure and reloading behavior of dynamically compressed solid // Journal de physic. IV (France). Vol. 110. 2003. P. 905-910.
- Yu.I. Mescheryakov. Effect of shock-induced mesoscopic processes on dynamic strength of solids. // Journ. de physic (France) 2003. Vol.110. P. 911-916.
- Yu.I. Mescheryakov, A.K. Divakov, Yu .A. Petrov, C.F.Cline. On the dynamic plasticity and strength of polycrystalline beryllium. // Int. Journ Solids and Structures. 2004. V. 30, pp 17-29.
- Yu.I. Mescheryakov, A.K. Divakov. Shock-induced mesoscopic processes and dynamic strength of materials. // In: “Shock Compression of Condensed Matter- 2003”. Ed. by M.D. Furnish, Y.M Gupta, and J.W. Forbes, American Institute of Physics Melville, New York, 2004. P.587-591.
- A.K. Divakov, T.A. Khantuleva, Yu.I. Mescheryakov. Kinetics of mesostructure and reloading behavior of dynamically compressed solids. // In: “Shock Compression of Condensed Matter- 2003”. Ed. by M.D. Furnish, Y.M Gupta, and J.W. Forbes, American Institute of Physics. Melville, New York, 2004. P. 587-591.
- Yu.I. Mescheryakov, N.I. Zhigacheva, A.K. Divakov, Yu. A. Petrov, C.F.Cline. Comparative analysis of uniaxial strain shock tests of maraging steels. // High Pressure Research . 2004. Vol. 24. P. 263-270.
- Yu.I. Mescheryakov, A.K. Divakov, N.I. Zhigacheva. Shock-induced structural transitions and dynamic strength of solids. // Int. Journ Solids and Structures. 2004. V. 41. P. 2349-2362.
- Ю.И. Мещеряков. Кинетическая модель динамики среды. // Химическая физика. 2005. том. 24. № 11. C. 26-35.
- Ю.И. Мещеряков. Динамическая прочность и пластичность структурно-неоднородных материалов. // Физическая мезомеханика. 2005. Том. 8. № 6, C. 5-21.
- Ю.И. Мещеряков. Об эволюционном и катастрофическом режимах энергообмена в динамически нагружаемых средах. // Известия РАН, серия физическая. 2006. Т. 70, № 9, С.1328-1330.
- Ю.И. Мещеряков, Н.И. Жигачева, А.К. Диваков, И.П. Макаревич, Б.К. Барахтин. Турбулентность и диссипативные структуры в ударно-нагружаемой меди. // Химическая физика, 2007. Том.26. № 12. С.57-63.
- Ю.И. Мещеряков, А.К. Диваков, Н.И. Жигачева, М.М. Мышляев. Влияние размера зерна на макроскопичесий отклик алюминия на ударное нагружение. // Прикладая механика и техническая физика. 2007. Том.48, № 6. С.135-146.
- Ю.И. Мещеряков, Н.И. Жигачева, А.К. Диваков, И.П. Макаревич, Б.К. Барахтин. Диссипативные структуры в ударно-деформируемой меди.// Физическая мезомеханика. 2007. Том.10. № 5. С.63-69.
- Yu.I. Mescheryakov, A.K. Divakov, N.I. Zhigacheva I.P. Makarevich, Б.К. Барахтин. Dynamic structures in shock loaded copper. // Physical Review.B 2008. Vol. 78, No 1. P. 064301-064316.
- А.К. Диваков, Ю.И. Мещеряков, Н.И. Жигачева, Б.К. Барахтин, W.A. Gooch. Откольная прочность титановых сплавов. // Физическая мезомеханика. 2009. Том. 12. № 6, Р. 41-52.
- В.Г. Морозов, С.А. Савельев, Ю.И. Мещеряков, Н.И. Жигачева, Б.К. Барахтин. Вихревая модель упруго-пластического течения при ударном нагружении. // Физика и механика материалов. 2009. Том. 8, № 1. С.8-31.
- Yury Meshcheryakov , Alexandre Divakov, Natali Zhigacheva, Boris Barakhtin. (2014). Multiscale Deformation and Dynamic Recrystallization in Shock Deformed Aluminum Alloy. - Materials Science Forum Vol. 794-796 pp. 815-820 © Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland. DOI 10.4028/,815.
- Ю.И. Мещеряков, А.К. Диваков, Н.И. Жигачева, Г.В. Коновалов Б.К. Барахтин, Г.Ю. Калинин, О.В. Фомина. (2014). Динамическая прочность азотосодержащей стали. — Физика и механика материалов, Том 21, № 2, С. 99-111.
- Д.А. Индейцев, Ю.И. Мещеряков, А.Ю. Кучмин, Д.С. Вавилов. (2014). Многомасштабная модель распространения стационарных упруго-пластических волн.- Доклады Академии наук. Том 458, № 2, C. 1-4. DOI: 10.7868/S0869565214260107
- Т.А. Хантулева, Ю.И. Мещеряков. (2015). Неравновесные процессы в конденсированных средах. Часть 2. Структурная неустойчивость, инициированная ударным нагружением. Физичесая мезомеханика.- Т.18,- № 1,- С. 14-22.
- Yu.I. Meshcheryakov, T.A. Khantuleva. (2015). Nonlocal mechanics of nonequilibrium shock-wave processes. Material Physics and Mechanics.- No 2. - Р.136-156.
- Yu. I. Meshcheryakov , N.I. Zhigacheva, A. K. Divakov, G.V. Konovalov, B.K. Barakhtin, S.V. Rasorenov, O.V. Vyvenko, A.S. Bondarenko, I.V. Khomkaya. (2015). Shock-induced structures in copper. - Material Physics and Mechanics. — Vol. 24. — P. 347-358.
- D.A. Indeitzev, Yu.I. Meshcheryakov, A.YU. Kuchmin, D.A. Vaviliv. (2015). Multi-scale modelof steady wave shock in medium with relaxation. Acta Mechanica.- Vol. 226 Issue 3, pp. 917-930. DOI: 10.1007/S00707-014-1231-0
- Г.Г. Савенков, Ю.И. Мещеряков, Б.К. Барахтин., Н.В. Лебедева. Механизмы деформации и разрушения и структурные изменения крупнокристаллической меди в условиях ударно-волнового нагружения. ( 2014). Прикладная механика и техническая физика. Т. 55. № 5 (327). С. 195-203., DOI: 10.1134/S0021894414050198
- Yu.I. Meshcheryakov, A.K. Divakov, H.I. Zhigacheva., G.V. Konovalov, B.K. Barakhtin G.Yu. Kalinin., S.Yu. Mushnikova, O.V. Fomina. Shock-wave behavior of structural nitrogen-bearing steel after heat treatment under various conditions. (2014), Russian Metallurgy. Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. Vol. 2. No 10. P.826-831. DOI:0.1134/S0036029514100085.10.
- Khantuleva T.A., Meshcheryakov Yu.I. Nonequilibrium processes incondenced media. Part 1. Experimental studies. In light of nonlocal tranport theory. (2015). Physical Mesomechanics. Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. Vol.: 18. No 3. P. 228-243. DOI:10.1134/S1029959915030078