LaTeX style cdcarta4.sty
postscript version of the Author's guide
Selected authors submit their camera-ready manuscripts to the National Organizing Committee along with the required forms (The IEEE Copyright form, The COC'97 Registration form, The Hotel Reservation form).
Two copies of the camera-ready original
of your paper must be sent by post, not fax, at the address given below.
Your manuscript must be received by June 15, 1997.
The address is:
Prof. A.L. Fradkov
COC'97 Organizing Committee
The Institute for Problems of Mechanical Engineering
61 Bolshoy V.O.
St.Petersburg 199178, Russia
need to submit a camera-ready manuscript using a high quality printer on
exact size A4 (210 mm by 297 mm) white paper, using one side of a sheet.
A high quality, 300 dpi or more, laser-printed manuscript is preferable.
participants who will deliver a Plenary or Semi-Plenary Lecture
should submit a full-size paper of six (6) pages, four (4)
pages are allowed for each Regular Paper and each Poster Paper
is allotted a short paper of two (2) pages in the Conference Proceedings.
Each manuscript must follow this rule. Authors with multiple submissions
must apply these guidelines to each manuscript separately. Up to three
additional pages will be permitted for a charge of 80 US Dollars for each
additional page.
deadline for receipt of your camera-ready manuscript by the Organizing
Committee is June 15, 1997. Papers received
after the deadline, or without the necessary forms, may not be included
in the proceedings.
sure to fill out, and send with your manuscript, the IEEE Copyright Form.
title and authorship of your paper will appear in the final program, in
the table of contents, and author index of the proceedings as they are
shown in your manuscript submitted to the Organizing Committee.
mailing your manuscript to the Organizing Committee, make sure to include
your complete mailing address and type of your report (Plenary, Semi-Plenary,
Regular or Poster) on the outside of the envelope.
Your paper must be printed actual size (i.e., exactly how it is to appear in the proceedings) in two columns. As part of the printing process your document will be photographed. To ensure that this can be done with one camera setting for all papers, and to ensure uniformity of appearance for the proceedings, the papers should conform to the following specifications. If your paper deviates significantly from these specifications, the printer may not be able to include your paper in the proceedings. It is highly recommended to use LaTeX in preparing and formatting your manuscript. On the first page, the distance from the top edge of the paper to the top of the first line of type (i.e., the title) should be 30 mm. On the second, and subsequent pages, the distance from the top edge of the paper to the top of the first line of type should be 26 mm. The text should be centered left-to-right on the page, i.e., left and right margins should be the same (16 mm).
The width of each column should be 84 mm. The distance between the two
columns of text should be 10 mm. On the first page, the distance
from the bottom edge of the paper to the bottom of the last line of type
on the page should be no less than 30 mm. On the second and subsequent
pages, the distance from the bottom edge of the paper to the bottom of
the last line of type on the page should be no less than 26 mm.
This allows room for the printer to insert the copyright notice on the
first page and page numbers.
The Conference requires a font size of 10 points or greater. Some technical formatting programs print mathematical formulas in italic type, with subscripts and superscripts in a slightly smaller font size. This is acceptable. For the main body of the text the 10 point size roman font should be used.
The title should be centered across the top of the first page. The 22 point size bold font is recommended.
The authors' names and addresses should be centered below the title. The 14 point size roman font is recommended. Please include your e-mail address. For multiauthored papers names and addresses can be placed either side by side, or one under another. Please do not put addresses in footnotes.
Do not indent the initial lines of paragraphs. Leave a line clear between paragraphs.
References should be numbered consecutively throughout the paper and
be listed at the end of the paper with the main heading References.
When citing references in the text, type the corresponding number in square
brackets, e.g [1]. References should be complete and in standard IEEE style.
Equations have to be numbered consecutively with the number in parenthesis,
flush to the right.
Only simple line drawings and graphs are allowed. Halftone illustrations (pictures) and photographs are not acceptable. Do not supply Xerox copies. For the best reproduction and handling of illustrations, we prefer that they be included in your wordprocessor file or that the original be pasted. Many wordprocessors allow the insertion of figures from a drawing program or the insertion of a scanned image. For pasting of original illustrations use glue such as a glue stick. Please do not use clear tape. Do not use poor photostats, ozalids, blueprints, hectos, Xerox, etc., for the drawings, illustrations, or charts, since shades of blue, green, and brown do not photograph successfully. Figures should be inserted near their citation or at the end of the manuscript, after References. Large figures may extend over two columns if necessary. Make sure that you number and include a caption for each figure.
Footnotes should be avoided. Authors' addresses have to be placed after the authors' names below the title of the paper. Information about any financial support should be placed in the subsection Acknowledgements at the end of your paper.
It is highly recommended that your manuscript is prepared using LaTeX
document preparation system. LaTeX users have to employ a style file cdcarta4.sty.
For a sample tex file using this sytle see file author.tex.
The usage of the style cdcarta4.sty for our
conference was kindly permitted by its author Silvano Balemi. (However,
all the questions concerning the style have to be sent to the Organizing
Committee, but not to the author.)
Alloted time for oral presentations:
talk 35
talk 30 minutes
presentation 15 minutes
No special arrangements will be made for use of special equipment (audio/video recorders, computers, etc.). If the authors intend to use such devices in the presentation they have to contact Organizing Committee.
All participants selected to make a poster presentation have to send 2 pages of their camera-ready manuscripts prepared according to the guidelines to the COC'97 Secretariat for the inclusion into the Conference Proceedings. Additionaly the authors are responsible to prepare the poster on a vertically oriented sheet of paper of exact size 600mm by 840mm (A1 size).