FILMS2021 | 15-я международная конференция "Пленки и покрытия - 2021", 15 International conference "Films and Coatings - 2021" (docx) 18 - 20 мая 2021, Санкт-Петербург, Россия Требования журнала "Journal of Physics: Conference Series": правила оформления (docx), шаблон с комментариями (docx), пример с разделами (docx), пример без разделов (docx) |
YSM-2020 | Третья Всероссийская конференция молодых учёных-механиков пансионат МГУ "Буревестник", г. Сочи, 3-13 сентября 2020 г. Первое информационное сообщение Бланк заявки участника Образец и правила оформления тезисов |
МАБР-2020 | 16-я Международная научная конференция "Моделирование и анализ безопасности и риска в сложных системах" Санкт-Петербург, 23-25 июня 2020 Информация от 29.09.2019 |
ECC 2020 | 18-я Европейская конференция по управлению (European Control Conference) Санкт-Петербург, 12-15 мая 2020 Информация от 25.09.2019 |
PhysCon2019 | The 9th International Scientific Conference on Physics and Control INNOPOLIS, RUSSIA, September 8-11, 2019 Итоги |
UFA2019 | XII Всероссийский съезд по фундаментальным
проблемам теоретической и прикладной механики Уфа, Россия, 19-24 августа, 2019 Информационное письмо (pdf) |
APM-2019 | International Summer School-Conference "Advanced Problems in Mechanics" St. Petersburg, Russia, June 24- 29, 2019 |
MGCTF'19 | International conference "Mechanisms and Non-linear Problems of Nucleation and Growth of Crystals and Thin Films" St. Petersburg, Russia, July 1-5, 2019 |
FILMS2019 | 14 International conference "Films and Coatings - 2019", 14-я международная конференция "Пленки и покрытия - 2019" (docx, pdf), 14 - 16 мая 2019, Санкт-Петербург, Россия Требования журнала "Journal of Physics: Conference Series": правила оформления (docx), шаблон с комментариями (docx), пример (docx) |
APM-2018 | International Summer School-Conference "Advanced Problems in Mechanics" St. Petersburg, Russia, June 25- 30, 2018 |
FRADCON 2018 | Международная научная конференция
"Нелинейное и адаптивное управление с применениями
в физике и технике"
приуроченная к 70-летию А.Л. Фрадкова 22 мая 2018 г., Санкт-Петербург, Россия Программа (pdf) |
МСМ-2017 | XXVII Международная конференция "Математическое и компьютерное моделирование в
механике деформируемых сред и конструкций". Основы статического и
динамического разрушения.
XXVII International Conference "Mathematical and Computer Simulation in Mechanics of Solids and Structures". Fundamentals of static and dynamic fracture. S. Petersburg, September 25-27, 2017 |
APM-2017 | International Summer School-Conference "Advanced Problems in Mechanics" St. Petersburg, Russia, June 22- 27, 2017 |
FILMS2017 | 13 International conference "Films and Coatings - 2017"
docx) St.-Petersburg, Russia, April 18-20, 2017 Program (docx, pdf) |
MASR2016 | The Fourteenth International Scientific School "Modeling and Analysis of Safety and Risk in Complex Systems, Saint-Petersburg, October 25 - 28, 2016 |
УМАС-2016 | Kонференция "Управление в морских и аэрокосмических системах"
Санкт-Петербург, с 4 по 6 октября, 2016 г. |
APM-2016 | The International Conference "Advanced Problems in Mechanics" St. Petersburg, Russia, June 27 - July 02, 2016 |
MASR2015 | The Thirteenth International Scientific School "Modeling and Analysis of Safety and Risk in Complex Systems, Saint-Petersburg, November 17 - 19, 2015 |
MCM2015 | XXVI Международная конференция
"Математическое и компьютерное моделирование в механике деформируемых сред и конструкций" Санкт-Петербург, 28-30 сентября 2015 |
MICNON-2015 | 1st IFAC Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control of Nonlinear Systems Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 24-26, 2015 |
APM-2015 | The International Conference "Advanced Problems in Mechanics" St. Petersburg, Russia, June 22-27, 2015 |
FIZMET2015 | The 6th International Conference on Problems of Physical Metrology St. Petersburg, Russia, June 1-6, 2015 |
FILMS2015 | 12 International conference "Films and Coatings-2015"
docx) St.-Petersburg, Russia, May 19-22, 2015 Program (docx, pdf) |
EECI-IGSC-2015 | EECI International Graduate School on Control 2015 April 20-24, 2015, module M16, Lecturer Prof. Vladimir Kharitonov |
MASR2014 | 12th International Scientific School "Modeling and Analysis of Safety and Risk in Complex Systems" Saint Petersburg, Russia, November 18 - 20, 2014 |
VTT-2014 | 21-я Всероссийская научно-техническая конференция "Вакуумная техника и технологии - 2014", Санкт-Петербург, Россия, 17 19 июня 2014 (doc, pdf), Программа (doc, pdf) |
VPB-13 | Одиннадцатая сессия
международной научной школы "Фундаментальные и прикладные проблемы надежности и диагностики машин и механизмов" Санкт-Петербург, 21- 25 октября 2013 года, Первое сообщение (pdf), Второе сообщение (pdf), Третье сообщение (pdf), Сборник трудов (pdf) |
ICORS2013 | International Conference on Robust Statistics 2013 Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 8-12, 2013 |
FILMS2013 | 11 International conference of a "Films and Coatings - 2013", Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 6-8, 2013, Program( pdf, docx) |
ABC12 | International Conference on Advanced Dynamics and Model Based Control of Structures and Machines Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 1 - July 4, 2012 |
VPB-11 | Десятая сессия международной научной школы "ФУНДАМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ И ПРИКЛАДНЫЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ НАДЕЖНОСТИ И ДИАГНОСТИКИ МАШИН И МЕХАНИЗМОВ" Санкт-Петербург, 24 - 28 октября 2011 года |
FILMS-2011 | 10 International conference of a "Films and Coatings - 2011" St.-Petersburg, Russia, 31 May - 2 June 2011 |
VPB-09 | Девятая сессия международной научной школы "ФУНДАМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ И ПРИКЛАДНЫЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ НАДЕЖНОСТИ И ДИАГНОСТИКИ МАШИН И МЕХАНИЗМОВ" Санкт-Петербург, 26 - 30 октября 2009 года |
MSC 2009 | 3rd IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control St. Petersburg, Russia, July 8-10, 2009 |
IUTAM2009     | IUTAM Symposium on
The Vibration Analysis of Structures with Uncertainties St. Petersburg, Russia, July 6 - July 10, 2009 |
FC-2009 | 9 International conference "Films and Coatings - 2009" Saint-Petersburg, Russia, May 26-29, 2009 |
ECSC2008 | Fourth European Conference on Structural Control St. Petersburg, September 8-12, 2008 |
ENOC'08 | 6th Euromech Nonlinear Dynamics Conference Saint-Petersburg, June 30 - July 4, 2008 |
MASR 2008 | 8th International Scientific School "Modeling and Analysis of Safety and Risk in Complex Systems" Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 24 - 28, 2008 |
VPB-07 | Восьмая сессия международной научной школы "ФУНДАМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ И ПРИКЛАДНЫЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ НАДЕЖНОСТИ И ДИАГНОСТИКИ МАШИН И МЕХАНИЗМОВ" Санкт-Петербург, 22 - 27 октября 2007 года |
MASR 2007 | 7th International Scientific School "Modeling and Analysis of Safety and Risk in Complex Systems" Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 4 - 8, 2007 |
ALCOSP'07 | 9th IFAC Workshop "Adaptation and Learning in Control and Signal Processing" Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 29-31, 2007 |
PSYCO'07 | 3rd IFAC Workshop "Periodic Control Systems" Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 29-31, 2007 |
NDA 2007 | International Congress "Nonlinear Dynamical Analysis 2007": In honor of Academician A. M. Lyapunov 150th anniversary S.-Petersburg State University, S.-Petersburg, June 4-10, 2007 |
MASR2006 | 6th International Scientific School "Modelling and Analysis of Safety and Risk in Complex Systems" St. Petersburg, Russia, July 4 - 8, 2006 |
VPB - 05 | The 7th session of international scientific school "Fundamental and Applied Problems of Reliability and Diagnostics of Machines and Mechanisms", October 24-28, 2005, St. Petersburg, Russia. |
DOLLC05 | he Five International Conference on Problems of Dynamic Objects Logic-Linguistic Co
ntrol, October 4-6, 2005, St. Petersburg, Russia. |
PhysCon 2005 | 2nd International Conference "PHYSICS AND CONTROL", August 24-26, 2005, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. |
MASR2005 | 5th International Scientific School "Modelling and Analysis of Safety and Risk in Complex Systems" St. Petersburg, Russia, June 28 - July 1, 2005 |
NN 2005 | International Conference "NANOMATERIALS AND NANOTECHNOLOGIES", Crete, Greece; June 14 - 18, 2005 |
MASR2004 | 4th International Scientific School "Modelling and Analysis of Safety and Risk in Complex Systems" St. Petersburg, Russia, 22-25 June 2004 |
NMM 2004 | International Workshop NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS MECHANICS St. Petersburg, Russia, 21 May 2004 |
MRS Fall 2003 Symposium NANO | MRS Symposium Q "Mechanical Properties of Nanostructured
Materials and Nanocomposites" Boston, USA, December 1-5, 2003 (Call for Papers, pdf Guide for Abstract Submission, pdf). |
BEMFEM'2003 | 20-th International Conference Mathematical Modeling in Mechanics of Solids and Constructions Methods of Boundary and Finite Elements September 24-26, 2003 In commemoration of the 300-th anniversary of St-Petersburg 20-ая Международная конференция Математическое моделирование в механике деформируемых тел и конструкций. Методы граничных и конечных элементов. 24-26 сентября 2003 г. 300-летию Санкт-Петербурга посвящается |
ВПБ-03 | Конференция, посвященная памяти В.П. БУЛАТОВА "АКТУАЛЬНЫЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ МАШИНОВЕДЕНИЯ: КАЧЕСТВО, ТОЧНОСТЬ, ИЗНОСОСТОЙКОСТЬ" 22 сентября - 27 сентября 2003 года Санкт Петербург |
NN2003 | International Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies
(Crete, Greece; August 30 - September 6, 2003). |
MA SR 2003 | 3th International Scientific Schoool
"MODELLING and ANALYSIS of SAFETY and RISK in COMPLEX SYSTEMS", August 20-23, 2003, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. |
PhysCon 2003 | International Conference "PHYSICS AND CONTROL", August 20-22, 2003, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. |
DOLLC03 | The Fourth International Conference on Problems of
Dynamic Objects Logic-Linguistic Control June 16-20, 2003, Saint Petersburg, Russia. |
MRS═Fall 2002 Symposium | MRS Symposium I: Nanomaterials for Structural Applications ( pdf version) Boston, USA, December 2-6, 2002 |
ASI NANO 2002 | NATO Advanced Study Institute on Synthesis, Functional
Properties and Applications of Nanostructures (Crete,
Greece, July 26 - August 4, 2002)
PWTA'2002 | "PATTERNS AND WAVES: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS" July 8 - 13, 2002, St.Petersburg (Repino), Russia |
MASR - 2002, | 2 - 5 July 2002, St.Petersburg, Russia International Scientific School S═Fall 2002 and ANALYSIS of SAFETY, RISK in COMPLEX SYSTEMS" |
NPT'2002 | "Nucleation and Non-Linear Problems in the First-Order Phase
Transitions" 1 July - 5 July 2002, St.-Petersburg, Russia |
The Fifth Session of the International Research School "Modern Fundamental Problems and Application Tasks of the Theory of Precision and Quality of Machines, Devices and Systems" ( Russian version in koi-8) June 27- July 7, 2002, St. Petersburg, Russia | |
FIZMET'2002 | "The 5th International Conference on Problems of Physical Metrology " June 17 - 21, 2002, St.-Petersburg, Russia |
STI-2002 | TMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington - USA, February 17-21, 2002, International Symposium on Science and Technology of Interfaces in Honor of Dr. Bhakta Rath |
NOLCOS'2001 | 4-6 July 2001, St.Petersburg, Russia, 5th IFAC Symposium "Nonlinear Control Systems" |
MA SRQ - 2001 | 18-22 June 2001, St.Petersburg, Russia International Scientific School "MODELLING and ANALYSIS of SAFETY, RISK and QUALITY in COMPLEX SYSTEMS" |
DOLLC-2001 | 18-22 June 2001, St.Petersburg, Russia The Third International Conference on Problems of Dynamic Objects Logic-Linguistic Control |
Четвертая сессия Международной научной школы "Современные фундаментальные проблемы и прикладные задачи теории точности и качества машин, приборов и систем" (English) 3 - 7 июня 2000 г., Санкт-Петербург, Россия | |
COC'2000 | Second Int. Conf. "Control of Oscillations and Chaos", July 5-7, 2000, St.Petersburg, Russia |
FIZMET'2000 | The 4th International Conference on Problems of Physical Metrology, June 19-23, 2000, St.Petersburg, Russia |
ICMRD | International Workshop on INTERFACE CONTROLLED MATERIALS: RESEARCH AND DESIGN, St.Petersburg, Russia; June 7-9, 2000 |
AAIS 99 | International Workshop on Applied Aspects of Interface Science, St.Petersburg, September 22-24, 1999 ( doc version) |
ARW 99 | Advanced Research Workshop on Nanostructured Films and Coatings, June 28-30, 1999, Greece. |
DOLLC'99 | June 21-25, 1999, The Second International Conference on Problems of Dynamic Objects Logic-Linguistic Control (IPME) |
NPT'98 | June 29 - July 3, 1998, International Workshop Nucleation and Non-Linear Problems in the First-Order Phase Transitions |
TAPAQMDS'98 | June - July, 1998, Theoretical and Applied Problems of Accuracy and Quality of Machines, Devices, and Systems International Workshop |
FIZMET'98 | June 1998, The Third International Conference on Problems of Physical Metrology |
COC'97 | August 27-29, 1997, Control of Oscillations and Chaos (COC'97) is held by IPME (Russia) |
DOLLC'97 | June 16-20, 1997, The First International Conference on Problems of Dynamic Objects Logic-Linguistic Control (IPME) |
AiM'96 | October 13-16, 1996, The Second International Conference on Asymptotics in Mechanics St.Petersburg State Marine Technical University, St.Petersburg, Russia |
TAPAQMDS'96 | October 28-31, 1996, Theoretical and Applied Problems of Accuracy and Quality of Machines, Devices, and Systems International Workshop |
Congress | June 24-27, 1996, Fourth International Congress on Sound and Vibration is held by Baltic State Technical University (Russia) |
FIZMET'96 | June 17-23, 1996 |
Last Modified: December 20, 2019