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Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки
Институт проблем машиноведения Российской академии наук

Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки
Институт проблем машиноведения Российской академии наук

Qualitative and quantitative interdependence of physical and mechanical properties of stir-casted hybrid aluminum composites

D. Kumar, S. Singh, S. Angra ,
ДОИ (doi):

Aluminum alloys are lightweight, castable, machinable, and have good mechanical and physical properties. Aluminum alloys are used in aerospace, automotive, defense, and structural sectors because of their promising qualities. This work examined how stirring speed, preheating temperature, and particle size affect the mechanical characteristics of stir-cast hybrid aluminum nanocomposites supplemented with GNPs and CeO2 at 0–3 wt. %. The microstructural investigation was done using SEM. EDAX confirmed components in nanocomposite samples. Increased reinforcing percentage improved physical and mechanical properties. The (3 % GNPs and 3 % CeO2) hybrid nanocomposites have 1.06 % porosity. The highest hardness, tensile strength, and yield strength were 104.3, 347.01, and 215.13 MPa. SEM micrographs indicated that hybrid composite samples had a more uniform distribution of reinforcements and defects-free morphology.

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