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Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Vibrational injection of gas into liquid

If a vibrating vessel holding liquid has holes in its bottom or side wall, gas is sucked in, forming a series of bubbles. In this case, the liquid outflow is in the form of drops. Vibrational injection of liquid into liquid is also possible. The phenomenon may be used to intensify industrial processes and improve vibration devices, for example, for liquid dispensing and aeration (patents No. RU 2263883 and 2278738).
The vibrating-jet effect, another nonlinear phenomenon previously known and currently applied in technical devices (not shown in the video), implies that, when plates with conical holes vibrate in a liquid, tapering slow flows are generated in the direction of the holes.
Vibrational injection and the vibrating-jet effect may be regarded jointly [1], with the theory behind both phenomena viewed as special cases.In addition to their beneficial use [2, 3], these effects have been seen to cause accidents.


1. Blekhman I.I., Blekhman L.I., Vaisberg L.A., VasilkovV. B., YakimovaK.S. Nonlinear phenomena in liquid outflows from vibrating vessels // Reports of the Academy of Sciences. 2003. Vol. 391. No. 2. P. 185–188.
2. Blekhman I. I., Vaisberg L. A., Vasilkov V. B., Yakimova K. S. On the possibility of using vibratory injection in processing technologies // Obogashchenie Rud (Mineral Processing Journal), Vol. 4. 2004. P. 43–46.
3. Mikhailova N., Demidov I., Yasinskaya A., Samukov A. Development of the theory of vibratory injection of gas into liquid // Vibroengineering Procedia. 2020. Vol. 32. P. 216222.

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