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Институт Проблем Машиноведения РАН ( ИПМаш РАН ) Институт Проблем Машиноведения РАН ( ИПМаш РАН )

Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Control of complex systems

Theory and algorithms of nonlinear and adaptive control of complex systems;Control of oscillatory and chaotic systems;Mathematical modeling and simulation;Control applications: control of physicMore
Scientific result of IPME RAS in the field of control of mechanical systems in 2021 Methods and algorithms for adaptive and robust control of the frequency of rotation of the rotors of vibratory plantMore
В ролике рассматривается интригующая и как сначала кажется - противоречивая и невыполнимая задача управления хаосом.
Приводится список публикаций А.Л.Фрадкова за 1971-2023 гг (статьи, монографии, главы в монографиях, учебные пособия, патенты, тезисы конференций)
A.Rybalko, A.Fradkov. Identification of Two-Neuron FitzHugh-Nagumo Model Based on the Speed-Gradient and Filtering. Chaos 2023, Vol.33, Is. 8.
Статьи в журналах и периодических изданиях 1. Андриевский Б.Р., Фрадков А.Л. Метод скоростного градиента и его приложения Автоматика и телемеханика (2021) № 9. С. 3–72. [Andrievsky B.R., Fradkov A.L. Speed Gradient Method and Its Applications. Automation and Remote Control. Vol. 82, No.
​1. Aleksandrov A., Fradkov A.L., Semenov A. (2020) Delayed and switched control of formations on a line segment: Delays and switches do not matter. IEEE Trans. Automatic Control. Vol. 65, no. 2. P. 794–800. DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2019.2918995 (Scopus, WoS), Q1 2. Aleksandrov A.
Head of the Laboratory
Alexander Fradkov
Alexander Fradkov
Head of Department
Academic title:
Academic degree:
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Alexander Fradkov
Alexander Fradkov
Head of Department
Academic title:
Academic degree:
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Dolgopolik M.V.
Dolgopolik M.V.
Leading Researcher
Academic degree:
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Boris Andrievsky
Boris Andrievsky
Leading Researcher
Academic title:
Academic degree:
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Karasev Vasilii
Karasev Vasilii
Senior Researcher
Academic degree:
Candidate of Technical Sciences
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