ipmash@ipme.ru | +7 (812) 321-47-78
пн-пт 10.00-17.00
Институт Проблем Машиноведения РАН ( ИПМаш РАН ) Институт Проблем Машиноведения РАН ( ИПМаш РАН )

Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Digitalization, analysis and synthesis of complex mechanical systems, networks and environments

The laboratory "Digitalization, analysis and synthesis of complex mechanical systems, networks and environments" was established in 2021 on the basis of the Institute for Problems of Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences with the support of a government mega-grant (project No. 075-15-2021-573)

Head of the laboratory: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Plotnikov Sergei Aleksandrovich

E-mail: waterwalf@gmail.com, psa@ipme.ru

Address: 199178, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Boljshoy prospekt V.O., d. 61, IPME RAS, room 43

2021-2023 Digital intelligent control of multi-rotor vibration benchmarksAutonomous navigation and control of multi-agent robotic and mechatronic systemsAdaptive control and estimation for aircraft wiMore
Main results for 2021-2023, obtained with the support of the mega-grant: Fundamental principles and assessments of the ultimate capabilities of digital and intelligent control to improve the efficiencMore
Head of the Laboratory
Sergei A. Plotnikov
Sergei A. Plotnikov
Head of Department , Senior Researcher
Academic degree:
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Sergei A. Plotnikov
Sergei A. Plotnikov
Head of Department , Senior Researcher
Academic degree:
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Vladimir Prourzin
Vladimir Prourzin
Senior Researcher
Academic degree:
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
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