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Институт Проблем Машиноведения РАН ( ИПМаш РАН ) Институт Проблем Машиноведения РАН ( ИПМаш РАН )

Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Vibrofluidized bed applications for feeding material into magnetic and electrical separators

Exposure of the separator feed to intense vibration at the separator inlet eliminates the negative effects of adhesive interaction forces between finely divided particles on the process. The results include higher concentrate grades and improved recoveries.

These technologies may significantly reduce or completely eliminate the consumption of water currently used as a dispersion separation medium.

The studies were carried out at Mekhanobr-Tekhnika REC with the participation of employees of the Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering of RAS [1–5].


1. Golovanevskyi V. A., Arsentyev V. A., Blekhman I. I., Vasilkov V. B., Azbel Yu. I., Yakimova K. S. Vibration-induced phenomena in bulk granular materials // Intern. Journ. of Mineral Processing. 2011. Vol. 100. pp. 79–85.
2. Arsentyev V. A., Azbel Yu. I., Dmitriev S. V., Mezenin A. O., Andreev E. E. Effects of vibrational fluidization on the performance of dry magnetic separation of finely disseminated hematite ore // Obogashchenie Rud (Mineral Processing Journal). 2011. No. 6, pp. 13– 17.
3. Vaisberg L. A., Demidov I. V., Ivanov K. S. Mechanics of granular media under vibration action: the methods of description and mathematical modeling // Obogashchenie Rud (Mineral Processing Journal). 2015. No. 4. pp. 21– 31
4. Vaisberg L. A., Ivanov K. S, Demidov I. V. Disperse powder material layer vibrational fluidization state modeling with a view to describe dry concentration processes // Obogashchenie Rud (Mineral Processing Journal). 2016. No. 6, pp. 21–24.
5. Demidov I. V., Vaisberg L. A., Blekhman I. I. Vibrational dynamics of paramagnetic particles and processes of separation of granular materials // Intern. Journ. of Engineering Science. 2019. Vol. 141. pp. 141–156.

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