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Институт Проблем Машиноведения РАН ( ИПМаш РАН ) Институт Проблем Машиноведения РАН ( ИПМаш РАН )

Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Scientific result of IPME RAS in the field of control of mechanical systems in 2021

Methods and algorithms for adaptive and robust control of the frequency of rotation of the rotors of vibratory plants have been developed under conditions of a lack of information about the system parameters. The stability and quality of the controlled systems have been confirmed by modeling and experimentally on a two-rotor mechatronic vibration stand SV-2M, developed at IPME RAS. A method for controlling the phase shift between the rotors is proposed and the possibility of providing the desired phase shift in the range of a quarter period outside the resonance zone is confirmed. The problem of self-synchronization of several vibration exciters installed on a common platform is also considered. It is rigorously shown that this problem can be solved within the framework of the stability theory for pendulum-type systems, and an analytical criterion for self-synchronization of two rotors is derived.

The practical significance of the results obtained is due to the possibility of their application in promising vibration technologies in the mining and manufacturing industries in the absence of a priori and current information about their operating parameters and measured variables.

Author: Ph.D. A.L. Fradkov, Ph.D. B.R. Andrievsky, Ph.D. A.V. Proskurnikov, Ph.D. D.A. Tomchin, Yu.A. Zaitseva.


1 Fradkov A.L., Tomchina O.P., Andrievsky B., Boikov V.I. Control of Phase Shift in Two-Rotor Vibration Units (2021) IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 29(3), art. no. 9069957, pp. 1316-1323. DOI: 10.1109/TCST.2020.2983353 (Web of Science,Scopus, Q1).

2 Smirnova V.B., Proskurnikov A.V. Self-synchronization of unbalanced rotors and the swingequation (2021) IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 54, Issue 17, pp. 71–76, DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.11.028 (Scopus, Q3).

3 Andrievsky, B., Boikov, V.I. Bidirectional controlled multiple synchronization of unbalancedrotors and its experimental evaluation (2021) Cybernetics and Physics, 10 (2), pp. 63-74.DOI: 10.35470/2226-4116-2021-10-2-63-74 5 (Scopus, Q3).

4. Tomchin D.A. Certificate of state registration of the computer program No. 2021666963 "Program for studying the dynamics of a single-rotor vibration unit with an algorithm for controlling the passage through resonance."

In 2020, the following main results were obtained.

The problem of stabilization in a finite time of systems represented as a chain of integrators with retarded terms multiplied by a function depending on the vector of the instantaneous state of the system is solved. Numerical simulation confirmed the theoretical results. The purpose of further scientific research can be the application of the developed method for the analysis of more complex nonlinear systems with delay.

Robust algorithms for practical synchronization of an electric power network are synthesized under conditions of parametric uncertainty, noise in the measurements of the output variable, and an unknown delay in the channels of data reception and transmission. The proposed approaches make it possible to independently control the quality of interference filtering and the quality of the synchronization error of the electric power network.

It is shown that the investigated nonlinear algorithm for a group of vehicles, which is based on the analogy between the group and the mechanical system mass-spring-damper and is obtained from the usual Lagrange equations by increasing the potential energy using the barrier function, ensures the achievement of the control goal: approximately synchronous movement of the group ( networks).

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