- new logical-probabilistic and logical-linguistic algorithms for image classification have been developed by constructing and analyzing classification models containing probabilities or functions of belonging to image attributes.
- methods of recognition and analysis of inconsistencies and anomalies in knowledge bases using tuple algebra have been developed.
- an algorithm for the formation of the robot's sensation language for decision-making in the robot's central nervous system (CNS) has been developed,
- methods of making behavioral decisions based on solving systems of logical equations have been developed;
- a logical and mathematical model of decision-making in the central nervous system SEMS is constructed
- the principles of situational control of the SEMS group are formulated and various structural approaches to situational control of the SEMS group are analyzed;
- methods of clustering the selection environment based on the tuple algebra, including methods for calculating the distances between granules, have been developed.
The results of scientific research are published in the following publications:
1. Smart Electromechanical Systems. Ed. Andrey E. Gorodetskiy. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control 49. /Springer International Publishing, 2016, 277 p.
3.Smart Electromechanical Systems: The Central Nervous System. Eds. Andrey E. Gorodetskiy, Vugar G. Kurbanov. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control 95. /Springer International Publishing, 2017 , 270p.
4. https://www.igi-global.com/book/ary-relations-logical-analysis-data/178722
6. Smart Electromechanical Systems. Group Interaction. Eds. Andrey E. Gorodetskiy, Irina L. Tarasova. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control 174. /Springer International Publishing, 2019,
7. Smart Electromechanical Systems. Situational Control. Eds. Andrey E. Gorodetskiy, Irina L. Tarasova. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control 261. /Springer International Publishing, 2020, 290p.
8. Kulik B.A. Logic and Mathematics: Complex methods of Logical Analysis in Plain Words
9. Smart Electromechanical Systems. Behavioral Decision Making. Eds. Andrey E. Gorodetskiy, Irina L. Tarasova. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control 352. /Springer International Publishing, 2021, 240p.
The following patents have been obtained :
Participation in FNI programs and grants:
1. Program FNI No. AAA-A19-119120290136-9 "Theoretical and experimental research of intelligent electromechanical systems."
2. Grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research No. 18-01000076 "Problems of creating a central nervous system of a robot based on SEMS modules".
3. RFBR grant No. 19-08-00079 "Methods and algorithms for assessing the group intelligence of a team"
4. RFBR Grant No. 15-07-04760 "Development of mathematical tools for the representation and processing of heterogeneous information in the modeling of poorly formalized objects".
5. RFBR Grant No. 18-07-00132 "Cognitive methods of decision-making based on undetermined heterogeneous information".