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Институт Проблем Машиноведения РАН ( ИПМаш РАН ) Институт Проблем Машиноведения РАН ( ИПМаш РАН )

Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Identification of dynamical systems with time-varying disturbances and fractional errors-in-variables. Application example to a drone model

Dmitriy Ivanov , Aleksandr Zhdanov , Ilya Sandler ,

The article discusses the problem of identification of motion model parameters for UAV with nonstationary disturbances and fractional errors-in-variables. A total least squares (TLS)-based identification method for the solution of generalized instrumental variables of the estimator is proposed. The proposed method is compared with least squares (LS) and extended instrumental variables (EIV). To increase numerical stability, all identification methods are implemented based augmented systems of equations. The simulation results showed the advantage of the presented method.

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