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Институт Проблем Машиноведения РАН ( ИПМаш РАН ) Институт Проблем Машиноведения РАН ( ИПМаш РАН )

Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences

35 employees of IPMash RAS made presentations at 51 APM school-conferences in memory of D.A. Indeitsev

The conference «Actual Problems of Mechanics» has a long and rich history. It was first organized by Professor Yakov Gilelevich Panovko and his colleagues in 1971. At that time, the conference had a narrow specialization, focusing on the issues of nonlinear oscillations of mechanical systems with a finite number of degrees of freedom. The conference in this format lasted till 1985. Since 1994, after a break, it was revived as a part of the annual school-conference at the Institute of Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The conference was held in the suburbs of St. Petersburg and acquired the status of an international one, and its topics began to cover not only all fields of mechanics, but also interdisciplinary issues.

Since 2014, the conference was held annually at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, its co-chairs were D.A. Indeitsev and A.M. Krivtsov. In 2024, the conference was held at the «Intelligent Electronics – Valdai» Innovative Scientific and Technological Centreof the Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University.

The event was organized by the Russian National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University. The conference was held under the patronage of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The operator of the conference is Monomax LLC.
The conference was held with the support of the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization “Center for the Development of Science”, Gazprom Neft Group of Companies and FIANUM LAB LLC.

The conference was attended by 402 participants, among them academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Holm Altenbach (foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, laureate of the Lomonosov Gold Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences), V.A. Babeshko, I.G. Goryacheva, M.A. Guzev, N.F. Morozov; Corresponding Members of the Russian Academy of Sciences: A.K. Belyaev, A.M. Krivtsov, Yu.V. Petrov, O.A. Plekhov and S.O. Sarkisian the Corresponding Member of the Armenian Academy of Sciences; M.M. Khasanov, Director of Science at Gazprom Neft PJSC. About 150 doctors and candidates of sciences, 140 students also took part in the conference.

The program of the 51st school-conference included 8 plenary, 272 oral and 63 poster reports. The conference included 16 sections, 5 symposiums, 2 round tables, as well as a session dedicated to the memory of D.A. Indeitsev.

The opening of the conference can be viewed at the link (from the 26th minute is welcome speech of academician N.F. Morozov, of V.A. Polyansky, the IPMash RAS Director — from the 28th minute, from 1:26 — the session in memory of Dmitry Anatolyevich begins).

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