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Институт Проблем Машиноведения РАН ( ИПМаш РАН ) Институт Проблем Машиноведения РАН ( ИПМаш РАН )

Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences

IPMash RAS delegation took part in the IV Congress of Young Scientists

The delegation of the Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences represented by the graduate students Nikita Kolesnik, Yulia SedovaMaxim Vorobyov, and Alexey Redkov, the Leading Researcher, took part in the IV Congress of Young Scientists, held on November 27-29, 2024, in Sochi.

The Congress brought together thousands of participants from various fields, from science and business to education and government, under one roof. Among those present, one could meet both well-known scientists who are among the most cited researchers in the world, as well as schoolchildren and students just starting their way in science.

There was a diverse program at the event: dozens of booths, reports, lectures and even entertainment activities. The Congress is, first of all, a platform where you can track the development vectors of scientific thought and the main trends of modern science, find common ground in related industries, establish contacts and share experiences with colleagues.

Traditionally, meetings at the Congress are held in various fields, from social sciences and humanities to quantum technologies and genetic engineering. According to the organizers, up to 12 events were held simultaneously, that allowed everyone to find something interesting for themselves.

The international and official component was of particular importance this year. In 2024, the congress was combined with the BRICS forum, thanks to which a significant part of the lectures and meetings were devoted to international cooperation. According to the organizers, the representatives from more than 40 countries of Europe, Asia, Africa and South America took part, and the total number of participants exceeded 7 thousand people.

Alexey Redkov, Chairman of IPMash RAS Council of Young Scientists, participated in organization of a number of sections, including a scientific report «From atom to crystal: how AI and supercomputers help to grow materials for electronics» delivered by him at the booth of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Our participants also shared their personal impressions:

Yulia Sedova:

«For myself, I singled out the session „Everything for science – in one click: new digital services for scientists from scientists themselves,“ which was attended by the founders of the projects „Colab.ws “ and “NASHA LABA”, as well as the director of the AI Center for Science from Sberbank of Russia. Thanks to this session, I learned about new digital tools and services, which, I admit, I had previously heard about, but from now on I plan to use them in my activities. In addition, important issues related to the use of „digital twins“ in engineering were raised at the session, which are also related to my job profile directly.

The Congress also hosted a large booth exhibition of achievements, developments and start-ups of the largest companies, leading universities and research teams from almost all regions of the country. Getting to know them allows you not only to evaluate innovative solutions, but also to be inspired and look at your own tasks at a new angle.»

Maxim Vorobyov:

«I was very impressed by the Congress! First of all, I remember the unity between the participants — everyone was responsive and friendly. You can see the bright eyes and sharp mind of the young people, and I hope such events will contribute to the development of Russian science. I was able to attend a large number of lectures and master classes. In general, participation in such events is incredibly inspiring!»

Nikita Kolesnik:

“The Congress of Young Scientists provides different opportunities:

— to make new professional acquaintances with scientists or representatives of the production;
— to find like-minded people;
— to get acquainted with the results of research/surveys to form a more complete picture of our science;
— to check one’s erudition thanks to Polyquiz;
— to train your cognitive functions by participating in the mental GTO study;
— to track the vector of our country's development through the presented projects and meetings with the speakers;
— to get inspired by the exciting Science slam lectures;
— to learn how to play Go with a professional coach;
— to listen to the real scientific lectures at the RAS section.
And this is only a small part! If possible, I recommend joining the young scientists next year.”

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