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Институт Проблем Машиноведения РАН ( ИПМаш РАН ) Институт Проблем Машиноведения РАН ( ИПМаш РАН )

Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Breki, Alexander Dzhalyulyevich

Breki, Alexander Dzhalyulyevich - Leading Researcher - Laboratory of Friction and Wear

Breki, Alexander Dzhalyulyevich
Position :
Leading Researcher
Academic degree :
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Russian Science Citation Index :
ResearchGate :
Web of Science ResearcherID :
Google Scholar :
Math-Net :
St. Petersburg, V.O. Bolshoy Prospekt, 61, Friction and Wear Laboratory
Research interests :
Friction and wear under conditions of spontaneous changes in the states of friction contact. Physical and mathematical modeling of friction and wear. Patterns of various types of wear and surface destruction. Friction without lubrication, in gaseous media and in vacuum conditions. Tribotechnical properties of materials, coatings and modified surface layers. Tribotechnical properties of lubricants. Self-organization of tribosystems. Ultra-slow friction.
Rewards :
Honorary diploma of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
Professional activity :

Tribology, mechanical engineering, mechanical engineering, materials science.

Teaching activities :

Professor of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University", Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Transport. Scientific guidance for masters and postgraduate students of IMMT SPbPU.

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