Alexey Porubov - Head of Department - Laboratory of micro-mechanics of materials

Professional Experience
3/1987-3/2007- Junior research fellow, research fellow, Senior research fellow
Theoretical Department, A.F. Ioffe Physical Technical
Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
4/2007-3/2016- Leading research fellow
Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering
of the Russian Academy of Sciences
4/2016- now Head of Laboratory of micro-mechanics of materials
Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering
9/2012-6/2018 part-time Professor
Saint-Petersburg State University
9/2013-now part-time Professor
Saint-Petersburg Polytechnical University
10/1995-11/1995 Visiting position at the
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Edinburgh University (UK)
1/1997-12/1998 PostDoctoral position
at the Instituto Pluridisciplinar, Universidad
Complutense de Madrid (Spain)
7/1999 Visiting position
at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Edinburgh University (UK)
9/1999-10/1999 Visiting position
at the Instituto Pluridisciplinar, Universidad
Complutense de Madrid (Spain)
2000-2004 Series of short time visits to the University of Torino (Italy)
5/2003 - 6/2003 Visiting position
at the University of Kyoto (Japan)
9/2003 - 12/2003 CNRS Visiting Research Associateship
at the Laboratoire de Modelisation en Mecanique,
Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris (France)
11/2004 Visiting position at the Kyushu Unversity (Japan)
3/2005 - 4/2005 Visiting Professor
at the CMLA Ecole Normal Superior de Cachan,
Cachan (France)
3/2008 - 4/2008 Visiting Professor
at the Centre de mathematiques et de Leurs Applications,
Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan, Cachan (France)
11/2009 - 4/2010 Visiting Research position
at the Institute Jean le Rond d'Alembert,
Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris (France)
11/2011 Visiting Research position (DAAD)
at the Institute of General Mechanics of the RWTH Aachen,
11/2012-01/2013 Visiting Research position (DFG)
at the Institute of General Mechanics of the RWTH Aachen,
4/2014 Visiting Professor
at the Centre de mathematiques et de Leurs Applications,
Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan, Cachan (France)
11/2014 Visiting Research position (DAAD)
at the Institute of General Mechanics of the RWTH Aachen,
9/2012-6/2018 part-time Professor
Saint-Petersburg State University
9/2013-now part-time Professor
Saint-Petersburg Polytechnical University