George Filippenko - Senior Researcher - Laboratory for Mathematical Modelling of Wave Phenomena
My records:
In section: Events 29
Boundary-contact problems in mathematical physics
Wave processes in elastic periodic systems
Wave processes in waveguides
Wave processes in shell-liquid systems
1982-1988. — Studied at Leningrad State University (LSU), Faculty of Physics, Department of Mathematical Physics.
1988-1991. — Postgraduate studies at Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute (LKI), Department of Material Resistance.
1991-2015. — Work in IPMash RAS (Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Composite Systems, Senior Researcher of Applied Research Laboratory).
2000 .— D. in Physics and Mathematics.
Since 2015. - Work in IPMash RAS (Senior Researcher in the Laboratory of Mathematical Modelling of Wave Processes).
2013, 2014. — University of Aalburg (Denmark) (associate professor).
Dissertation supervision: Aalburg University (Denmark, 2014), SPbGMTU (Russia, SPb, 2015), ITMO (Russia, SPb, 2016).
Scientific Secretary of the Permanent Seminar on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics of the Scientific Council on Acoustics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
List of main publications:
Kouzov D.P., Filippenko G.V. On the vibration of a membrane partially protruding above the surface of a liquid. J. Computational Acoustics. (JCA) 1-11 (2001). Kouzov D.P., Filippenko G.V. Vibrations of elastic plate partly immersed in liquid. PMM, No.5, 2010, pp. 864-870. Filippenko G.V. Statement of the boundary-contact problems for the shells in acoustics. Proceedings of the International Conference "Days on Diffraction 2010", St. Petersburg, Russia, June 8 - 10, 2010, pp. 57-62. Filippenko G.V. Energy aspects of axisymmetric wave propagation in an infinite cylindrical shell, fully immersed in liquid // Computational Mechanics of Continuous Media, 2013, Vol. 6, № 2, P. 187-197; pdf file available ; DOI: 10.7242/1999-6691/2013.6.2.22. Filippenko G.V. Energy aspects of wave propagation in an infinite cylindrical shell fully immersed in a liquid // Comput. Mechan. of Continuous Media, 2014, Vol. 7, No. 3, P. 295-305; Pdf file available ; DOI: 10. 7242/1999-6691/2014.7.3.29. Filippenko G. V. Bending waves in a beam with periodically arranged point masses // Computational Mechanics of Continuous Media, 2015, Vol. 8, No. 2, P. 153-163; Pdf file available ; DOI: 10.7242/1999-6691/2015.8.2.13. Filippenko G. V., Wilde M.V. (2018) Backwards waves in a fluid-filled cylindrical shell: comparison of 2D shell theories with 3D theory of elasticity// Proceedings of the International Conference "Days on Diffraction 2018", St.-Petersburg, Russia, June 4-8, 2018. -P. 112-117, ISBN: 978-1-7281-0313-6 Filippenko G.V. The energy flux analysis of the backwards waves in a cylindrical shell with spring-type boundary condition on the outer surface // Proc. of the Int. Conf. "Days on Diffraction 2019", St.-Petersburg, Russia, June 3-7, 2019. - P. 46-50. Filippenko G.V. (2019) Waves processes in the periodically loaded infinite shell. In: A. Evgrafov (ed.), 2019, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Published by Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, Pp.11-20, DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-11981-2 Filippenko G.V. (2020) Energy flux analysis of axisymmetric vibrations of circular cylindrical shell on an elastic foundation. In: A. Evgrafov (ed.), 2020, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Published by Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, Pp.83-91, DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-39500-1 Filippenko G.V., Zinovieva T.V. (2021) Axisymmetric Vibrations of the Cylindrical Shell Loaded with Pointed Masses. In: Evgrafov A.N. (eds) Advances in Mechanical Engineering. MMESE 2020. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Cham. Pp. 80-91. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-62062-2_9 (Scopus Q3)
Associate Professor at the Department of Higher Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, Faculty of Physics, St. Petersburg State University; Teaching subjects: Analytic geometry, linear algebra, mathematical analysis, theory of complex variable functions, analytic theory of differential equations, theory of generalized functions, mathematical physics.