Oleg V. Motygin - Leading Researcher - Laboratory for Mathematical Modelling of Wave Phenomena

My records:
In section: Статьи сайта 14Благодарность Министерства науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации (2021).
Education and Academic degrees:
1993 M.Sc. Degree (with honours) in Applied Mathematics from Department of Applied Mathematics, Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute;
1993–1996 Postgrad. student (part-time) in Mechanics of Solid Deformable Body, in Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering, Russian Academy of Sciences;
1996 Ph.D. Degree (Math.-Phys.) in Mechanics of Fluid, Gas and Plasma from Math.-Mechanical Department of St.Petersburg State University;
2006 Academic rank of Associate Professor in Mechanics of Fluid, Gas and Plasma;
2007 D.Sc. Degree (Math.-Phys.) in Mechanics of Fluid, Gas, and Plasma from M.A. Lavrent'ev Institute of Hydrodynamics, Novosibirsk.
Organization of conferences:
Since 2010 г. – member of Program and Organizing committees, Editor of Proceedings of the annual International conference DAYS on DIFFRACTION, PDMI, SPbSU, St.Petersburg [⤤]
Some software:
Matlab/Octave code for computation of Heun functions [⤤]
Matlab/Octave code for computation of confluent Heun functions [⤤]
refcheck — LaTeX package, shows label in margins and indicates unused numbering [⤤]
2017–2018 — chair of the State Examination Commission for taking state exams and defending qualification works and awarding qualifications to graduates of St. Petersburg State University. Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of St. Petersburg State University, direction "Applied Mathematics and Informatics" (masters, bachelors).