ipmash@ipme.ru | +7 (812) 321-47-78
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Институт Проблем Машиноведения РАН ( ИПМаш РАН ) Институт Проблем Машиноведения РАН ( ИПМаш РАН )

Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Ученые ИПМаш РАН разработали автоматизированный комплекс для синтеза тонких плёнок
В ИПМаш РАН появился уникальный реактор, специально разработанный для промышленного роста SiC на Si методом согласованного замещения атомов.
An employee of IPMash RAS held a creative meeting with St. Petersburg schoolchildren
Vyacheslav Gennadievich Kuznetsov was a guest at the Science Week held at the St. Petersburg Boarding School for the charity-girls of the Ministry of Defense
Новый формат взаимодействия с авторами журналов РАН
С 2025 года журналы Российской академии наук переходят на новый формат взаимодействия с авторами
Выборы новых членов Российской Академии Наук 2025 года
Сегодня официально объявлены выборы новых членов РАН 2025 года. Прием документов от кандидатов – с 13 января до 26 февраля
The first diploma of Candidate of Sciences, issued by IPMash RAS own council, was awarded
Degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences was awarded to D.M. Semenov according to the results of the defense of his dissertation.
IPMash RAS delegation took part in the IV Congress of Young Scientists
The IV Congress of Young Scientists was held from November 27 to November 29, 2024, in Sochi. The delegation of IPMash RAS included the graduate students: N.S. Kolesnik, Yu.S. Sedova, M.G. Vorobyov, and A.V. Redkov
Congratulations to the winners of the RSF grant competition
The Russian Science Foundation (RSF) summed up the results of the 2024 grant competition, among the winners are the employees of IPMash RAS
IPMash RAS scientists calculated physically important changes in shape of final deformation in metamaterial
Scientists of the IPMEof the RAS described analytically and numerically the changes in the final deformation in a material with specified properties
7 employees of IPMash RAS entered the ranking of the most cited scientists in the world
On September 16, 2024, published was the annual update of the ranking of the most cited scientists in the world by the number of citations in Scopus, based on standardized indicators for this field of science.
ИПМаш РАН выступит организатором V-ой международной научно-практической конференции ПИИВС-2024
Конференция пройдёт С 27 по 28 ноября на базе кафедры программной инженерии имени профессора Л.П. Фельдмана ,ФИСП, ДонНТУ, в городе Донецке, Донецкой Народной Республике.
A program with scientists from IPMash RAS about cyberphysical systems was broadcast on television
The Sankt-Peterburg TV channel in the Matrix of Science cycle presented a program about cyberphysical systems filmed at IPMash RAS and the St. Petersburg Institute of Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPIIRAN)
IPMash RAS scientists created an algorithm to control vibration for a universal vibration machine
Employees of the laboratory Digitalization, Analysis and Synthesis of Complex Mechanical Systems, Networks and Environments created an algorithm to control vibration for a versatile vibration machine
Springer publishing house has released the book edited by the staff of the IPME RAS
The book "SMART ELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEMS: Mathematical and Software Engineering" was published under the editorship of the employees of the laboratory SEMS Ph.D. I. L. Tarasova and D.Sc. B.A. Kulik
Scientists have explained the mechanism of formation of materials for a new generation of optoelectronic devices
The physicists of IPMash RAS, SPSU, HSE and St.PAU have studied the mechanism of formation of three-dimensional structures on a promising semiconductor indium-galium-nitride alloy
Congratulations to Nikolay V. Kuznetsov on being awarded the Andronov Prize by the Russian Academy of Science!
Laureate of the Prize named after academician Andronov Prize of the RAS became Nikolay Vladimirovich Kuznetsov for the series of works Theory of Hidden Oscillations and Stability of Control Systems
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