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Институт Проблем Машиноведения РАН ( ИПМаш РАН ) Институт Проблем Машиноведения РАН ( ИПМаш РАН )

Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences

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The monograph of an IPMash RAS employee is out of print
A monograph Algorithms for the Diagnosis of Sliding Friction Pairs by Leonid Vladimirovich Efremov, Professor, Dr Sc. Eng, was published
IPMash RAS scientists have calculated the conditions for creating microstructures with specified properties
IPMash RAS scientists have calculated the conditions for creating alloys with superstructures with specified micron-sized profiles. Such structures can be used in the production of new materials
Congratulations to the IPMash RAS graduate student on his successful speech at the XXV-th Anniversary Conference of Young Scientists
: Congratulations to Nikita Kolesnik and his research supervisor I. B. Furtat on the successful report at the XXV-th Anniversary Conference of Young Scientists "Navigation and Motion Control"
IPMash RAS employee was awarded at the XIII-th All-Russian Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
: Congratulations to G.V. Konovalov on being awarded the diploma for the best report at the XIII-th All-Russian Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
The publishing house “Springer” published a monograph of IPMash RAS employees
The publishing house “Springer” published a monograph of IPMash RAS employees Introduction to the Theory of Smart Electromechanical Systems
The mathematical model of IPMash RAS scientists will make simulators for drivers and pilots more realistic
Scientists of the Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences and their colleagues have created a model with a control system which will make flight simulators more realistic
Объявление о приеме в аспирантуру ИПМаш РАН в 2023 году
Институт Проблем Машиноведения Российской Академии Наук объявляет прием в очную аспирантуру
The article by an IPMash employee was recognized as the best publication in 2020-2022 in the journal Annual Reviews in Control
Joint work of A. Annaswamy ( MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), USA) and A. Fradkov (IPMash RAS) received the IFAC Journal Award
The Council of Young Scientists of IPMash RAS took part in the XI-th All-Russian Congress of Councils of Young Scientists
Никита Колесник, аспирант,стажер-исследователь лаборатории АдИн принял участие в работе XI Всероссийского съезда Студенческих Научных Обществ и Советов Молодых Учёных, проходившем в Нижнем Новгороде
IPMash scientists developed a technology for obtaining vacancies in the silicon crystal lattice
Scientists of IPMash RAS created a technology for obtaining silicon vacancies, i.e. defects in the crystal lattice of silicon carbide, which make this material effective for spintronics
One of the key problems of the phase synchronization control theory was solved
The mathematicians of the IPME of RAS and of St. Petersburg State University together with a colleague from Iran managed to solve the problem named after Floyd M. Gardner, the engineer who formulated it
IPMash RAS scientists became co-authors of the book dedicated to silicone carbide
Sergey Arsenyevich Kukushkin and Andrey Viktorovich Osipov became co-authors of the book on materials and devices made of silicon carbide
An IPMash RAS scientist has created a new algorithm for solving optimization problems
Maxim Dolgopolik, an IPMash RAS leading researcher, has created an algorithm for solving complex non-convex optimization problems
The work of an IPMash employee was noted as one of the most important scientific achievements of Russian scientists
The theory of hidden oscillations, developed by N.V. Kuznetsov, RAS Corresponding Member, and his scientific school, was noted as one of the most important scientific achievements of Russian scientists in 2022
Scientists of IPMash RAS have discovered the surface effect of hydrogen accumulation in metals
Scientists of IPMash RAS discovered and investigated the "hydrogen skin effect", which results in hydrogen accumulation in metals used in transport, industry, power industry and construction
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