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Институт Проблем Машиноведения РАН ( ИПМаш РАН ) Институт Проблем Машиноведения РАН ( ИПМаш РАН )

Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Science News

The Council of Young Scientists of IPMash RAS took part in the XI-th All-Russian Congress of Councils of Young Scientists
Никита Колесник, аспирант,стажер-исследователь лаборатории АдИн принял участие в работе XI Всероссийского съезда Студенческих Научных Обществ и Советов Молодых Учёных, проходившем в Нижнем Новгороде
IPMash scientists developed a technology for obtaining vacancies in the silicon crystal lattice
Scientists of IPMash RAS created a technology for obtaining silicon vacancies, i.e. defects in the crystal lattice of silicon carbide, which make this material effective for spintronics
One of the key problems of the phase synchronization control theory was solved
The mathematicians of the IPME of RAS and of St. Petersburg State University together with a colleague from Iran managed to solve the problem named after Floyd M. Gardner, the engineer who formulated it
IPMash RAS scientists became co-authors of the book dedicated to silicone carbide
Sergey Arsenyevich Kukushkin and Andrey Viktorovich Osipov became co-authors of the book on materials and devices made of silicon carbide
An IPMash RAS scientist has created a new algorithm for solving optimization problems
Maxim Dolgopolik, an IPMash RAS leading researcher, has created an algorithm for solving complex non-convex optimization problems
The work of an IPMash employee was noted as one of the most important scientific achievements of Russian scientists
The theory of hidden oscillations, developed by N.V. Kuznetsov, RAS Corresponding Member, and his scientific school, was noted as one of the most important scientific achievements of Russian scientists in 2022
Scientists of IPMash RAS have discovered the surface effect of hydrogen accumulation in metals
Scientists of IPMash RAS discovered and investigated the "hydrogen skin effect", which results in hydrogen accumulation in metals used in transport, industry, power industry and construction
Congratulations to the employees of IPMash RAS on the presentation of the departmental award!
Employees of IPMash RAS: A.L. Fradkov and I.B. Furtat were awarded the departmental awards of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia – the "Honorary Mentor" badges
Employees of IPMash RAS discovered a way to reduce the vibration frequencies of liquids in containers
Employees of the Laboratory of Mathematical Modeling of Wave Processes have found out how to reduce the frequency of liquid vibrations in cylindrical vessels used for the transportation of liquid cargo
The projects of IPMash RAS scientists received the support of the Russian Science Foundation
Congratulations to M.Yu. Gutkin, Ye.A. Ivanov, A.V. Porubov, A.L. Fradkov and A.K. Abramyan!
The Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) recognized the dissertation of an employee of IPMash RAS as one of the best dissertation works of 2022
The dissertation of a senior researcher at the Applied Research Laboratory K.P Frolova, Cand. Sc. Physics and Mathematics, is annotated in the HAC Bulletin as one of the best dissertations of 2022
St. Petersburg TV channels told about the unique development of IPMash RAS scientists
Saint Petersburg and LenTV24 TV channels told about the new material grown by the staff of the laboratory Structural and Phase Transformations in Condensed Media, headed by S.A. Kukushkin
IPMash RAS scientists are in the list of the best scientists in the field of mathematics and electronics
N.V. Kuznetsov, DrSc in Physics and Mathematics, and A.L. Fradkov, DrSc Eng., entered the top ten best Russian scientists in the fields of mathematics and electronics according to Research.com data
IPMash RAS scientists have created algorithms for automatic control of bulk materials mixing equipment
Within the framework of a project supported by the megagrant of the RF Government, IPMash RAS scientists have developed algorithms for intelligent control of a vibrating machine used in the mining industry.
An employee of IPMash RAS became one of the winners of the competition of the Foundation "Development of Chemical Physics"
Alexey Viktorovich Redkov, Leading Researcher of IPMash RAS, took the second place in the competition of young scientists of the Foundation "Development of Chemical Physics"
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